Zhuangzi * stole his foot.
In the society of the Spring and Autumn Period (in fact, it is not limited to the Spring and Autumn Period), small thieves were caught and big thieves became princes. Qi Huangong Xiaobai killed his brother before becoming King of Qi, and then took his sister-in-law for himself. For such a person, Guan Zhong, a famous sage, willingly assisted him. Tian Chang, the minister of Qi, killed the King of Qi, stole the State of Qi and became the King himself. For such a thief, the sage Confucius accepted the money Tian Chang gave him without shame. This kind of thing is really embarrassing, but even the sages didn't criticize them. Actually, what's so strange about this? The history book says, "Which is evil and which is beautiful? The winner is the first and the loser is the tail. "
The same is true in later societies. Su Shi in the Northern Song Dynasty said in the preface to praise to Kong Beihai: "The world talks about people by success or failure, so Cao Cao is among the heroes." It's a pity that Zhuangzi and Su Shi don't often hear yelling. In contrast, there is an idiom "Don't judge heroes by success or failure". Most people who make such appeals are losers. The Kuomintang was defeated and fled to Taiwan Province Province. Taiwan Province Provincial Newspaper often uses the word "don't judge heroes by success or failure" when talking about this matter.