The journey of a gentleman is to cultivate one’s character through tranquility, and to cultivate one’s virtue through frugality. If it is not indifferent, it will not clear its aspirations, and if it is not peaceful, it will not be far-reaching. Zhuge Liang
Work hard to cultivate your virtues, you should respect yourself; be indifferent to stay poor, you should reflect on yourself; plan good deeds to benefit all living beings, you should encourage yourself.
Purity comes from self-love, incorruptibility comes from self-discipline, aloofness comes from self-respect; indifference comes from self-respect, indifference comes from self-control, and simplicity comes from self-reliance.
Indifferent to fame and wealth, the breeze blows on the sleeves and the body is upright; the uprightness is clear and the power is born in the chest.
Tolerance is the first way to treat others, and tranquility is the first way to nourish the heart. Master Hongyi's "Farewell to the Proverbs"
If one's ambition is not up to standard, he will treat his salary and status like a piece of baht; "History of the Song Dynasty: Biographies of Hermitage"
A cup of washing leaves nothing left, everything will be wasted and the fortune will be far away, and there will be no envy for the fame and small profits. Song Zhao Shixia
Perfect behavior comes from a complete lack of utilitarianism. Cesare Pavese
Don't talk about fame and fortune. Fame and fortune are enemies of the body. Tang Dumu
Every one of us feels deep down in his heart that a carefree and indifferent attitude towards life will compensate for all his own shortcomings. William James
He was indifferent to fame and fortune, balanced activity and stillness, and was moderate in work and rest. Hua Tuo
Hua Tuo is indifferent and clear-minded, and he stays in public all day long.
Those who don’t have a good reputation are not good at gaining benefits; those who are good at fame are those who love benefits. Qian Qi of the Qing Dynasty's "Qian Gongliang's Test Confucianism"
He felt relaxed and happy, forgetting all favors and disgrace. "The Story of Yueyang Tower" by Fan Chuyan of the Song Dynasty
With less desire, the mind will be calm, and with a calm mind, things will be simple. Xue Xuan of the Ming Dynasty's "Book of Readings"
Getting rich and noble through unrighteousness is like a floating cloud to me. "The Analects of Confucius"
If desire is weak, the heart will be empty, if the heart is empty, the qi will be clear, and if the qi is clear, the mind will be clear. Xue Xuan of the Ming Dynasty's "Book of Readings"
Seeing through the world of mortals, the reins of fame are suddenly opened. Qing Li Ruzhen
A true scientific researcher completely abandons the utilitarian view of the work he is engaged in. Pierce
Most of the Chinese nation has a neutral and peaceful temperament, is indifferent and simple, and is easier to be satisfied than Westerners. Our nation originally advocates wisdom, and the Chinese people's ideal is to pursue wisdom rather than pursue faith. "Fu Lei Family Letter"