Wei Zhi: "Be prepared for danger in times of peace, avoid extravagance and thrift", "Be prepared for danger; If you want to mess up, you will be cured; If you think of death, you will be saved. "
Confucius said, "Peace without forgetting danger, survival without dying, and governance without forgetting chaos."
Ouyang Xiu: "Worry and fatigue can rejuvenate the country, and leisure can die."
Jiang Wei: "'Be prepared for danger in times of peace', and be prepared for danger."
Li Shangyin: "Looking back at the country and home of the sages, we turned from frugality to luxury. "
Zhou Wenwang: "A gentleman can live in peace without forgetting danger, live without forgetting death, and govern without forgetting chaos, which is the person who can be prepared for danger in times of peace and protect the country."
After the success of luxury, happiness is stable and misfortune is doubled-Wang Anshi
Peace without forgetting danger, survival without forgetting death, and governance without forgetting chaos-the Book of Changes.
If a person doesn't think about distant things, he will find sadness close at hand. -The Analects of Confucius
Worry and fatigue can rejuvenate the country, leisure can die-Ouyang Xiu
Be prepared for danger in times of peace, abstain from extravagance and frugality —— Wei Zhi's Ten Thoughts on admonishing Taizong
Don't forget the danger, the prosperity will be worried about the decline. -(Hanshu)
Decadence has no beginning, but freshness has an end (The Book of Songs).
Difficulties and hardships make you successful-Zhang Zai, a writer in the Northern Song Dynasty