Lutz asked what a gentleman was. Confucius said: "cultivate one's morality and keep a serious and respectful attitude." Lutz said, "Is that enough?" Confucius said, "Cultivate one's morality and keep one's family in order." Lutz said, "Is that enough?" Confucius said, "Cultivate one's morality, keep one's family in harmony, and keep one's folk music in harmony." Self-cultivation makes everyone happy, and it is difficult for Yao and Shun to be afraid! "(from the Analects of Confucius)
Some people may think they are good people, but there is still a gap compared with better people. You shouldn't be satisfied with the present, you should be a better person. The realm has improved, and maybe the blessing will come. Lutz asked the gentleman, and Confucius said, "Cultivate one's morality with respect." Say, "That's it?" He said, "Cultivate yourself to help others." Say, "That's it?" He said, "Cultivate yourself to protect the people. Cultivate one's morality and protect the people, and you are still sick! "