Meng Wenxiao. Confucius said, "No violation." Fan Chi told him, "Sun Meng asked me about filial piety, and I said' no violation'" Fan Chi said, "What else can it be? Confucius said: "Be polite when you are alive, when you are dead, when you are buried, and when you are sacrificed. "
Huashan explained in detail.
This is the first of four questions about filial piety, Meng Wen's filial piety. One of the three doctors, Dr. Meng Lu, was the founder of Shi. On his deathbed, his father asked him to learn from Confucius. He asked Confucius what filial piety was. Confucius said, "No violation." Confucius said that filial piety means not disobeying.
Meng didn't answer, maybe he didn't understand himself. Anyway, this conversation is over.
Confucius' answer was originally aimed at him. If he didn't answer, Confucius couldn't pour out the following words. So he had to find another place to pour it, in order to spread the word out and pass it on.
"Fan Chi Imperial", Fan Chi drove Confucius, and Confucius chatted with Fan Chi.
Confucius said to me, "The teacher asked me about filial piety, and I told him that filial piety is inviolable."
Fan Chi asked, "What do you mean by showing up?"
Confucius said, "When your parents are here, you should be polite. When parents die, they will be given a gift. The annual sacrifice does not violate etiquette. This is filial piety. "
Confucius here, mainly refers to the funeral, sacrifice, if it is too brief, don't laugh. If you go too far, you will trap your parents in disloyalty and injustice, which is also unfilial. Because at that time, the funeral ceremonies of the three families were often overstepped, sometimes contradicting the ceremonies of Duke Lu and sometimes even the ceremonies of the Emperor of Heaven. This is unfilial and chaotic, which led to the rebellion in Lu.