People have gifts, and the boy said, "Keep it as a beam." Yu Yue said, "The wood is too small." He said, "Keep it as a building." Yu Yue said, "It should not be too big." He smiled and said, "Mu Yi is sick, too, and he is suddenly seriously ill, but he is also a minor illness." Yu Yue said, "Listen, kid, everything is suitable for use. Is it just wood? "
One day, the rest of my life will be full of charcoal and roast people. Yu Yue: "Too many." All wet, there are three or two stars left, and they want to shine. Yu Yue: "Too few." He complained, "There are too many fires and too few." Yu Yue said, "It makes me feel different. Is it just fire? "
-Excerpt from Lv Kun's "Moaning Record"
Second, the translation is as follows:
Someone sent a piece of wood, and the boy said, "You can stay and make a beam." I said, "The wood is too small to be used as a beam." The boy said, "You can build a building." I said, "The wood is too big for building a house." The boy smiled and said, "Wood is the same root. Sometimes I dislike it big, sometimes I dislike it small. " I said, "Listen to me, son. Everything has its own use. Is it just wood? "
One day, the boy made a stove for me, which was full of charcoal. It was so hot that I said, "There is too much charcoal." He doused all the charcoal with water, leaving only three or two sparks. He wanted to put them out. I said, "There is too little charcoal." The boy complained, "The stove is the same. There is too much charcoal and too little charcoal." I said, "Listen, kid, everything has its limits." Is it just fire! "
Third, comments: people do their best.