1 1:8 people will be happy for many years if they live for many years; But I also remembered the dark days. For these days will be many, and all that comes will be vanity.
Young man, be happy while you are young. In childhood, let your heart be happy, do what you want to do in your heart and see what your eyes like to see; But know that God will judge you for all this.
1 1: 10 Therefore, you should get rid of the troubles in your heart and the evil in your body, because the beginning of your life and your childhood are empty.
12: 65438+
12:2 Don't wait until the sun, light, moon and stars turn dark and the clouds turn back after the rain;
12:3 The guards' houses shook, and they bent down strongly, and the scarcity of grinders stopped; Everything outside the window is blurred,
12:4 The street gate is closed, and the noise of the mill is low. When birds crow, people get up, and the girls who sing are weak.
12:5 people are afraid of heights and panic on the road; Apricot trees bloom and grasshoppers become a burden; What people want is also useless. Because man belongs to his eternal home, mourners walk in the street.
12:6 the silver chain is broken, the gold pot is broken, the bottle is broken by the spring, and the waterwheel is broken at the wellhead;
12:7 The dust still belongs to the land, and the spirit still belongs to the spirit-giving God.
12:8 The preacher said, "Vanity is vanity, everything is vanity."
12:9 Moreover, the preacher still teaches people knowledge because of his wisdom. Meditate, check and recite many proverbs.
12: 10 The preacher devotes himself to seeking pleasing words and writing honest words with integrity.
The words of the wise are like thorns; The teacher's words in the congregation are like nails, all given by a shepherd.
My son, there is one more floor. I want to warn you: there are many books, and there is no end; Reading too much will make you tired.
I heard all this. It roughly means to fear God and keep God's commandments, which is the duty of human beings.
12: 14 Because of what people have done, even all hidden things, whether good or evil, God will judge.