The word Hanyong is the most difficult to recognize. I tried to guess it with my imagination, saying: Hanyong is like spring rain moistening flowers, like clear canals irrigating rice. If the rain moistens the flowers, if it is too small, it will be difficult to penetrate; if it is too large, it will be separated; if it is moderate, it will be moist and nourishing; if the rice is irrigated by clear canals, if it is too small, it will wither; if too much, it will be damaged by waterlogging; if it is moderate, it will be moist and nourishing.
A swimmer is like a fish swimming in water, or a person washing his feet. Cheng Zi said that fish leaping into the abyss are lively and lively; Zhuang Zi said that watching fish in Haoliang is not a pleasure? This fish is so fast in water. Zuo Taichong has a poem about "washing one's feet for thousands of miles". Su Zizhan has a poem about lying down at night and washing one's feet, and a poem about taking a bath. They are also one of the joys of human nature.
Those who are good at reading must regard the book as water, and the heart as flowers, rice, fish, and washed feet. Then the word "Yong" can be understood as an expression of meaning.
It is easy for you to explain the meaning of the text when you read it, but it is not very deep. You can study it carefully through Zhu Zihan's second language.
Zeng Wenzheng’s proposed couplet