Mr. Wang said: I can't learn. Green is taken from blue, and green is blue; Ice, water, but colder than water. Wood is straight in the rope and is considered as a wheel. Although it is violent, it is natural to let it stand still. Therefore, the wood is straight by the rope, and the golden tip is beneficial. A gentleman is knowledgeable and cares about himself every day, so he will know clearly and won't do anything wrong.
So, if you don't climb the mountain, you don't know the height of the sky. Don't face the deep stream, I don't know the thickness of the ground; You didn't know the greatness of learning until you heard the last words of the late king. The son of Yu Yue, a barbarian, was born with the same voice, long but different in customs, and taught naturally. The poem says, "Dear Sir, there is no constant rest. Jing Gonger, goodness is integrity. Listen to God and you will be blessed. " God is greater than Tao, and joy is greater than harmlessness.