Classic passages in "Mencius":
In the dialogue between Mencius and King Xuan of Qi in "The Matter of Qi Huan and Jin Wen", he finally expressed his ideals, protecting the people and the king, and implementing them Kingly way. ?He clearly understood that there was no soil for his benevolent government to be realized. ?Mencius said: "The victory of benevolence over unbenevolence is like the victory of water over fire. To be benevolent today is like using a cup of water to save a load of fire. If it does not go out, it is said that water cannot defeat fire. This is the same as being unbenevolent. Yes, it will eventually perish!"
Mencius said: "Benevolence can defeat unkindness, just like water can extinguish fire. It's like using a glass of water to save a burning car of firewood (it doesn't help); if the fire is not extinguished, it means that water cannot defeat the fire. This view is even more serious among those who are unkind, and in the end they will definitely have no kindness.
Mencius's famous sayings:
1. Look up to the sky and don't bow down to the earth. 2. With power, you can know the importance; with measure, you can know the right and wrong. Then you can do something. People have to do something before they can do something. 4. Born in sorrow and died in happiness. 5. The person who enjoys the happiness of the people will also enjoy the happiness of the people. Those who are worried are also worried about their worries. 7. The weather is not as good as the favorable conditions, and the favorable conditions are not as good as the people. Those who do not lose their innocence.