1, not cold, I don't know pine and cypress; It is not difficult to know a gentleman. "Xunzi Outline" does not climb mountains, and I don't know the height of the sky; Don't face the deep stream, I don't know the thickness of the ground. "Xunzi's Persuasion" climbs the mountain, the arm is not lengthened, and the person who sees it is far away; Call with the wind, the sound does not add disease, but the listener is obvious. Xunzi's persuasion
2. Learning is not enough. "Xunzi Perseverance" is persistent and inflexible; Perseverance, the stone can be carved. Thinking about Xunzi's exhortation all day is better than learning it in a short time; I've tasted it and I'm looking forward to it, so I'd better be knowledgeable when I climb up. Xunzi's exhortation to learn is neither cutting nor grinding; Unless you learn, you will become an animal. Three Character Classic
3, although there are good dishes, I don't know their use; Although there is supreme Tao, learning, I don't know its goodness. Patience is the foundation of wisdom. Plato perseveres, and the stone can be carved. Xun Kuang should take his time in doing something, but once he starts, he should stick to it. prejudice
Great works are not accomplished by strength, but by persistence. Johnson "does not disgrace the last". Even if he is slow, persistent, backward and unsuccessful, he will certainly achieve his desired goal. Plum blossoms won't smell good unless Lu Xun turns them over. Fan Song
Don't lose heart, as long as you persevere, there will be results in the end. Qian Xuesen often opens the door with the last key. The most obvious sign of a great man is his strong will. The British perseverance is the best assistant of will. Life in Europe is like the ocean. Only a strong-willed person can reach the other shore. Mazaisi
6. The general's strong will, like the obelisk at the intersection of the city's main streets, occupies a very prominent position in military art. clausewitz's patience and persistence is a painful thing, but it can gradually bring you benefits. Wade, I can succeed in science because I love science and insist on long-term exploration. Dahl (UK)