In the network language, a gentleman is a hypocritical pervert. The usage in the ACGN world comes from Xiong Ji's famous saying: "I am not a pervert; Even a pervert is just a gentleman with a perverted name! "
"Gentleman" originated in western Europe in the middle of17th century, developed from chivalrous and heroic "knight", and then prevailed in Britain and developed to the extreme. Gentleman's demeanor is the externalization of British national culture, and it is also a brand-new social culture based on aristocratic spirit and integrating some values from all walks of life in the process of aligning with the upper class.
Major traceability
In medieval England, "gentry" was a social stratum, and its social status was second only to that of nobles, such as knighthood. Male adults of this class were called "gentlemen" at that time. "Gentleman" originated in western Europe in the middle of17th century, and developed from "knight" full of chivalry and heroism.
After that, it prevailed in Britain and developed to the extreme. Gentleman's demeanor is not only the externalization of British national culture, but also a brand-new social culture based on aristocratic spirit and integrating some values from all walks of life in the process of aligning with the upper class.
Advocate traditional culture and values of self-existence, and pursue a tasteful and humanized lifestyle. He represents a new social trend of thought in western social and economic development, and is a social fashion pursued by middle and upper class men.