On the fourth day after Zhang's death, seven famous officials framed and impeached Sheng Pan for taking bribes, and Pan Zhishi was appointed by heaven. Sheng Pan was recommended by Zhang before his death, and his stepping down marked Zhang's fall from grace. The official also pointed the finger at Zhang.
So Zongshen ordered the looting of property and reduced the rank of officials in the palace, forcing him to seize the imperial edict given to him when he was living under the same roof as four generations, and to show the world his crimes. And Zhang also narrowly escaped being whipped.
Zhang's contribution:
In the ten years of Wanli, with the completion of clearing fields and the implementation of a whip law, the financial situation of the Ming Dynasty was further improved. At this time, there are as many as four million and two thousand silver deposits in Taibu Temple, and with the silver deposits in Taicang, the total is about seven or eight million and two thousand. Taicang's grain reserves can also last for ten years. In February, Zhang asked for exemption from the money and grain accumulated by the provinces from the first year to the seventh year of Wanli.
In addition, Zhang also opposed the traditional concept of "attaching importance to agriculture and neglecting commerce", holding that both agriculture and commerce should be paid equal attention, and put forward the idea of "exploiting the province and investing in agriculture; Lightly seal the city, and thick merchants benefit farmers.
Therefore, he is also opposed to arbitrarily raising the business tax and infringing on the interests of businessmen. These practices conform to the historical development trend, reduce the burden of the people to a certain extent, ease the class contradictions that are on the verge of exploding, and play a positive role in promoting the development of history.