1. Confucius said: "Governing the country by virtue is like the North Star living in its place, and all the stars share it." -"The Analects of Confucius is Politics"
Explain that Confucius said: "(Zhou Jun) will govern with moral education, and he will live in a certain position like the North Star, surrounded by stars."
It influenced the rule of virtue and today.
2. Ai Gong asked: "He Weimin serves?" Confucius said to him: "If you make a mistake, the people will obey;" If you are wrong, the people will not accept it. " -"The Analects of Confucius for Politics"
Explain, Lu Aigong asked: "How can we make the people obey?" Confucius replied: "the upright and selfless people will be promoted, the evil people will be put aside and the people will obey;" If the wicked are promoted and the upright and selfless are put aside, the people will not obey the rule. "
It is Confucius' consistent proposition to influence people who are close to gentlemen and away from villains. The idea of "meritocracy" still has its valuable value today.
3. Ji Kangzi asked, "How to persuade people to be respectful and loyal?" Confucius said, "When you are near a village, you should respect it;" Filial piety is loyalty; If you can't teach good deeds, persuade them. " -"The Analects of Confucius is Politics"
Explain that Ji Kangzi asked: "How to make people respect and work hard for those in power?" Confucius said: "If you treat people seriously, they will respect you;" If you are filial to your parents and kind to your children, the people will be loyal to you; If we choose people who are kind and have poor educational ability, the people will encourage each other and redouble their efforts. "
Confucius advocated the influence of "rule by courtesy" and "rule by virtue", not only for ordinary people, but also for those in power. Those in power should be solemn, strict, filial and kind, and the people will respect, be loyal and work hard for those in power.
4. Zhang Zi asked about politics. Confucius said, "Live tirelessly and act faithfully." -"The Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan"
Explain how Zhang Wen manages political affairs. Confucius said, "You can't slack off in your official position. You keep your word."
To influence rulers at all levels to occupy official positions, we must be diligent and love the people, demand ourselves by the provisions of benevolence, govern the country and reassure the people by the principle of courtesy, eliminate civil litigation disputes through enlightenment, and strive to carry out the monarch's orders, so as to be a good official.
"Ruling the country by virtue" and "ruling the country by law" are combined.