Refined famous words are called mottos; words expressing auspiciousness are called auspicious words; words of acceptance are called promises; words of sincere advice are loyal words; words of oaths and oaths are called oaths; words written before leaving are called messages; words of dissatisfaction and complaint are called complaints. ; The words left before death are called last words.
The motto is the essence of one person’s wit, the wisdom of everyone. The motto requires positive content, which can be the wisdom of smart people or the experience of the elderly. Motto is a concise and concise statement that can be used as a standard for people's behavior. From the perspective of syntactic structure, aphorisms are relatively complete and independent sentences that can be used to express thoughts independently.
Extended information
Mottoes include life mottos, inspirational mottos, action mottos, freedom mottos, etc.
Life motto
Whoever plays life will achieve nothing; whoever cannot master himself will always be a slave. ——Goethe
We must turn life into a scientific dream, and then turn the dream into reality. ——Marie Curie
Human life is short, but if you live it despicably, it will be too long. ——Shakespeare
Inspirational Quotes
There is no morality if one denies the freedom of will. ——Froude
No one can take away our free will. ——Epictetus
Cultivating the will is the goal of our existence. ——Emerson
Caution is useless unless it is coupled with decisiveness. ——Bacon
Forgery is the most distressing thing in the world, and being honest is the happiest thing. ——Tao Fen
Everything must be done in a down-to-earth manner. Do not indulge in daydreams or false claims, but work hard with an attitude of seeking truth. If you study with this attitude, you can understand the truth, and if you work with this attitude, you can achieve success. ——Li Dazhao
Freedom Motto
Once freedom takes root, it will grow rapidly like a plant. ——Washington
Freedom is one of the greatest blessings God has given to mankind. ——Cervantes
Includes all major traditions and attracts many families; freedom of thought and inclusiveness. ——Cai Yuanpei