Pride brings the greatest humiliation. Pharaoh said, I don't know the Lord. As a result, his country suffered great hardships, and even he drowned in the Red Sea. Therefore, we should be modest, so that we can be promoted without being humiliated.
Pharaoh also knew that when people have leisure, they should seek God. So he blamed Israel, blamed them for being lazy, increased their workload, and made them have no time to seek God. For those who have leisure, leisure itself is a good thing and beneficial, because leisure makes people quiet and learn useful lessons. However, modern people spend their time eating and drinking, eating and drinking, eating and drinking. This shows the ignorance of this era. For the kingdom of God does not care about eating and drinking.
Please help us to be humble and live a humble and self-sacrificing life like Christ in this self-centered and self-centered era.
Ask the Lord to help us in our leisure time. Don't talk about the absurd truth of the old woman, but learn the knowledge of godliness in life and return our hearts to God.