Confucius said, "I am determined to learn five out of ten, stand at thirty, be puzzled at forty, know my destiny at fifty, be obedient at sixty, and be obedient at seventy." Confucius said, "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous." ("The Analects of Confucius for Politics") Zi Gong asked: "Confucius said:' I am sensitive and eager to learn, and I am not ashamed to ask questions. "(The Analects of Confucius Gongye Chang) Confucius said:" For example, if I am a mountain, I will stop until it is over! For example, on the flat ground, although covered, I will go! " ("The Analects of Confucius Zi Han")
Mencius said
Mencius said, "There is nothing more than ignorance of the king. Although there are things that are easy to live in the world, if it is violent for one day and cold for ten days, no one can live. I seldom see them, and people who shrink back will come. What can I do if I have Meng? " The number of games played today is decimal; You can't do it if you don't concentrate. Da Qiu is also a good player who knows martial arts very well. Let Qiu Yi teach two people to play: one person concentrates on playing, but only listens; Although a man listened, he thought with all his heart that a swan was coming and he tried to shoot it with his bow. Although he learned from it, it was too much for him. Why is he wise? No, it's not. "("Mencius Gao Zi Shang ") Mencius said:" It is better to believe in books than to have no books. I only took two or three measures in Wucheng. The benevolent is invincible in the world, so that the benevolent cuts his heart, why does the blood flow? " (Mencius devoted himself to the next)
Edit the translation of this paragraph.
Confucius said: "I am determined to study at the age of fifteen, do things according to etiquette at the age of thirty, and I am not confused at the age of forty (I have mastered all kinds of knowledge and can understand things). At the age of 50, I can understand what others say without thinking. At the age of 70, I can do whatever I want without overstepping the bounds. " Confucius said, "Learning without thinking is useless. Confucius said: "You are smart and eager to learn, and you are not ashamed to ask for advice from people with lower knowledge or status than yourself, so you call Confucius' words' Wen'. Confucius said, "If you pile up a basket of earth, it will stop; For example, even if I only pour a basket of soil, I go forward, and Mencius says, "Your stupidity is amazing. Even if there is a plant that grows (most easily) in the world, nothing can grow if it is exposed to the sun for one day and then frozen for ten days. I met the king too many times, so I retreated to my home and those flatterers. For example, playing chess as a skill now is a small skill; But if you don't concentrate, you won't learn. Qiu Yi is the best chess player in the country. If Qiu Yi teaches two people to play chess, one of them will concentrate and only listen to Qiu Yi; While listening to Qiu Yi's words, another man thought it was a swan and wanted to shoot it down with a bow and arrow. Although he studies with another person, he is not as good as that person. Is it because his intelligence is not as good as that of the person who concentrates on learning? The answer is: no, Mencius said, "If you completely believe the content of Shangshu, you might as well not have it. I only trust two or three articles in Wu Chengshu. The benevolent person is invincible in the world, how can he bleed by conquering the most inhuman person with the extremely benevolent person? "