The famous sayings related to science are as follows:
1. Science is the best way to make the human spirit brave - (Bruno).
2. Science must be promoted. Only by relying on science can there be hope.
3. The battle between science and technology must be fought, and it must be fought well.
4. The key to the four modernizations is the modernization of science and technology. Without modern science and technology, it would be impossible to build modern agriculture, modern industry, and modern national defense.
5. Our short-sightedness limits us and makes us not believe in the laws of science such as gravity, chemistry, and plants.
6. Historically, the means of production have been combined with certain science and technology; similarly, the historical labor force has also been a labor force that has mastered certain scientific and technological knowledge.
7. It (science) is a force for social change - (Bernard).
8. In our modern world, there is no second force that can rival the power of scientific thought - (Engert Cassirer).
9. Science is by no means a selfish enjoyment. Those who are fortunate enough to be able to devote themselves to scientific research should first use their knowledge to serve mankind - (Marx).
10. Science is the only wealth of mankind, and the task of a real scientist is to enrich this treasure trove of knowledge that can benefit all mankind - (Kolmogorov).
11. The entire development of mankind depends on the development of science. Anyone who does not develop science will hinder the development of mankind - (Fuchte).
12. Science and art belong to the whole world. In front of them, national barriers disappear - (Goethe).
13. Science is mental work and the product of mental work; while poetry can only be regarded as its pastime - (Bacon).
14. Art is a living science - (Cocteau).
15. Science is systemized knowledge - (H. Spencer).