Carl Sandberg: "Unless there is a dream first, nothing can happen." Lincoln: "The height of a fountain will not exceed its source. The same is true for a person's career, and its achievements will never be greater." You will never exceed your own beliefs. "Don't be strong in good times, and don't show weakness in adversity. Nietzsche: "For a tree to grow taller and receive more light, its roots must go deeper into the darkness." Hegel: "If the greatest genius lies on the grass all day long, letting the breeze blow, his eyes Looking at the sky, such gentle inspiration will not patronize him." Columbus: "The courage to pursue new horizons is an adventurer." Ibsen: "Survival is a constant battle with the soul in the heart; writing is sitting and judging oneself. "Knowledge can be imparted, but wisdom cannot." Everyone must be himself. Freud: "Maturity is the ability to adapt to the ambiguity in life." Camus: "Happiness is not everything, people still have responsibilities." What ideas you have, you will have your actions; what you have actions, you will have your actions. Habits; what habits you have, you will have a character; what character you have, you will have a destiny. Roman philosopher Sineca: "A person's life should be measured by career rather than by years." Dante: "People cannot live like animals, but should pursue knowledge and virtue." Einstein: "A "The value of a person should be determined by what he contributes, not what he obtains." Bacon: "We should not be like ants, who only collect food; nor be like spiders, who only draw silk from their own bellies; we should be like bees. Similarly, after collection and digestion, sweet honey can be brewed.” All assets become liabilities when they are not understood. A person can become another fool only after being shocked by the spirit of another fool. Mona Lisa smiles because she knows that those who draw beards on her face will die, and she can wait with a smile for the next person to draw beards on her face. Just as love crowns you, so will He crown you on the cross. Even though He is for your growth, He is also for your pruning. Just as He ascends to your top and caresses your tenderest twigs that tremble in the sun, so He will descend to your roots and shake your roots that cling to the earth. ----Prophet Living with dignity, aging decently, and walking in peace are the wishes of all the elderly who have gone through ups and downs. The best gift in life is a part of yourself, just like poetry is to a poet, sheep are to a shepherd, and a hand-embroidered rappa is to a girl. Find someone who understands you and hopes to be a person who understands others. Smart people like to guess hearts, but they lose their own hearts even though they guess right every time. Foolish people like to give hearts, although they get laughed at every time. The friendship of others can increase happiness
Reduce pain - Edison Mother Teresa: "If you criticize others, you will not have time to give love." Hubbard said: "Only wearing clothes Only those who wear shoes know where the shoes squeeze their feet. "In the process of education, only students know their own frustrations, needs and directions. ? If a teacher is compared to a big tree, the dense branches must be pruned from time to time to leave a gap so that the flowers and plants under the big tree can enjoy the sunshine, the moisture of the rain, and blossom into a vibrant and lifelike life! ? Kindergarten teaching, kindergarten-to-school transition, teaching and assessment improvement, open education, and small class teaching have been consistent for the past nine years. Goethe: "Happiness is the result of enjoying the process of work." Diligence is the right hand of happiness, and frugality is the left hand of happiness. Both can make you rich. ? A good start does not mean success, and a bad start does not mean failure. ? Temporary mistakes are nothing. Failure to correct mistakes is the eternal and biggest mistake in life. ? Give your children a future! ? When farmers scatter seeds in all directions, some will always fall to the ground and sprout and grow. ? Every time you accept a child, it is like brewing a jar of wine. You must keep an open heart. ? Gibran "Prophet": "You can give them your love, but not your thoughts. Because they have their own thoughts. You can provide them with a place to live physically, but you cannot hide their souls, because their souls live in In the House of Tomorrow, you cannot visit even in your dreams.
” Kahlil Gibran: “Work is the embodiment of love.” ? According to the standard of perfection, the child itself cannot be seen. ? Children's creativity is spontaneous, effortless, innocent and free, and it is a kind of freedom from stereotypes and bad habits. . ? Li Shimin's political dignitaries in Zhenguan: "One cannot ask for his preparations, he must give up his shortcomings and take his strengths." ? Frubel: "There is no other education, just love and example." ? Tagore: "Only love and example." Only a teacher who is constantly learning can teach seriously, and only by burning himself can he light up the lamps of others. ""Every trace of knowledge is knowledge, and every drop of water is an article." If a teacher can always enrich himself and integrate his own experience and enthusiasm. The best way to touch people's hearts is in the classroom. ? No child comes to school to set off several other children with good grades. ? A kind word warms you for three winters, but a bad word hurts you for six months. ? Martin Luther: "Even if I know that the world will be destroyed tomorrow, I would still plant a small tree today."
Let me list some famous quotes from foreign countries: 1) There are no books in a room. A house
is like a body without a soul - Cicero 2) Reading is an adventure of truth - Du Wai 3) Good books are like good friends
Friendship lasts forever Perseverance - Tapper 4) Genius: One point of talent
Ninety-nine points of blood and sweat--Edison 5) Reading a good book
means interacting with many noble people Conversation - Descartes 6) If you don't read for three days
Language will feel tasteless
Looks disgusting - Huang Tingjian 7) Learning knowledge
Must be diligent in thinking
Think again--Einstein 8) Books are the ever-lasting lamp of accumulated wisdom--Curtis............. ................................................................. ............
Reference: Me
Carl Sandberg: "Unless there is a dream first, nothing can happen. ” Success mostly belongs to those who make decisions quickly but don’t change them easily. And failure often belongs to those who find it difficult to make decisions but often change. A gentleman always sets his mind, and a villain always sets his mind. Lincoln: "The height of a fountain will never exceed its source. The same is true for a person's career. Its achievements will never exceed one's beliefs." If you become a match, you will light up a short-lived universe; Even a crow cries for a blocked eardrum. Recognizing the problem is half the problem solved. Talent is revealed in adversity and hidden in good times. If you want to move the world, you must first move yourself. Those who quit will never win, and those who win will never give up. People don't show strength when times are good, and they don't show weakness when they are in adversity. Nietzsche: "For a tree to grow taller and receive more light, its roots must go deeper into the darkness." Among all things in the universe, nothing is more surprising than the existence of human beings. Hegel: "If the greatest genius lies on the grass all day long, letting the breeze blow, looking at the sky, then gentle inspiration will not patronize him." Everyone can become the architect of his own life Columbus: "Courage The one who pursues new horizons is an adventurer." Great men disdain to expose the pain they feel to those around them.
Everyone is the architect of his own destiny--Salast Life is a recipe for training the soul--What kind of life is what Browning thinks
--Emerson faces the light
p>The shadow is behind us--Helen Keller Luck is the shadow of opportunity--Socrates' confidence is the master of destiny--Helen Keller's book is the only immortal thing--Qute the weak wait for the opportunity p>
The strong create opportunities - Mrs. Currie's success is the play of strengths
Failure is the accumulation of shortcomings. Every time your mood hits rock bottom
just say to yourself: rest Start over again. Don’t let setbacks put you down.
Give yourself another chance.
Start over and complete a small goal.
It will push yourself to a new level. The trouble in life with big goals is not having too little, but having too much expectation. Picture reference: The "trilogy" of life should be a worthy yesterday, a fulfilling today, and a hopeful tomorrow. Picture reference: In life, there is one thing more dangerous than taking risks: not taking risks. Picture reference: The most important thing in life is self-esteem, self-love, self-reliance, self-improvement, and self-confidence. Picture reference: The most pitiable thing in life is to give up halfway, the most tragic thing is to lose confidence, the most regrettable thing is a waste of time, and the most terrible thing is to have no perseverance. Picture reference: Destiny is the result of your actions. Picture reference: Heraclides: "The only eternal thing in the world is change." Picture reference: /new_pa2 The secret to happiness and satisfaction is to focus wholeheartedly on every minute and every second of the present. Picture reference: Anger is a moment of madness. Picture reference: Socrates: "A life without reflection is a life not worth living." Picture reference: valley/images/new_pa2 Swedish motto: "We age too quickly, but we wise too late." Picture reference: No matter how good-hearted you are if you have a bad temper and mouth , not a good person either.