When all the linen in the warehouse was spun, the three weavers said goodbye to the girl and said to her before leaving, "Don't forget the promise you made to us, which is related to your own happiness."
"Three Spinners" mainly tells the story of a lazy girl who refused to spin at all. By chance, she was taken into the palace by the queen. The queen told her to marry her eldest son after spinning all the flax in three warehouses, but she was lazy and didn't start spinning until three days later. When she didn't know what to do, three strange-looking women came to help her. The first woman's feet are wide and flat. The second woman's lower lip is very long and deaf to the chin; The third one has a very big thumb. The three of them helped her spin all the flax, and the girl realized her wish to marry the prince. On the wedding day, he invited these three strange-looking "cousins" to attend her wedding with the prince.