Biography of Ji Ran
Last name is Xin, first name. First of all, the death of the Duke of Jin is also a science. There is nothing in people, but they are not as good as people in appearance. They are few and bright, learning yin and yang. He is broad-minded and ambitious, and refuses to pretend to be a vassal. The seven countries that benefited from Yin are unheard of in the world, so they are called. When traveling in Haize, he was nicknamed "Fisherman" and tasted all over the south. Fan Li invited Yue Wang, and Ji Ran said, "Yue Wang is a bird's beak, so you can't benefit from it." Fan Li knows his sage, but he is humble. Please take his words and hide them in the stone, which is a punishment for the stork and the alliance. [Magnolia Taiping].
Once upon a time, the King of Yue bowed and rebelled to capture the State of Wu. Then he called Ni, saying, "I want to attack Wu, but I'm afraid I can't take it! The forest is dark, and I don't know where the stake is. There is a river in the west, a thin sea in the east, and the water is endless. Staggered phases, waves flow, sink and rise again, because the phases are complex. The vast water, sooner or later, sometimes, if the action is thunder, if the sound is thunder. With the help of the waves, the ship can't be saved. The dimension of unknown life. Thinking about the pain of the ship makes you weep deeply. Don't want to do it! I don't know where I am when I go back. If I can't find it, I'll rest. I'm afraid I will blame the world. Attack the enemy with the enemy, the outcome is unknown! Big countries are prepared, small cities are guaranteed, and food is harvested; If there is no product in the wild, the food does not belong to it, and there is no safety to take. I'm afraid Tianjin and Liang can't pass, and the labor force will give me food! I heard that my husband knows the current affairs, observes the truth, and is afraid of making a rash move, so he asks for directions. "
Ginny said to him, "It's solid. The sponsors must first accumulate food, money and cloth. If they don't do this first, their soldiers will starve, and hunger will easily hurt them. If you don't have time to fight, your eyes and ears are not flexible, your ears can't hear, you can't see, and you can't do anything; Retreat cannot be solved, and progress cannot be done. Hunger can't move, go with proud Wan Li. Fu Nu is breast-feeding, but her head is bruised, her head is royal, and her strong crossbow can't win, so her hair can't be used. Seeing that the situation was not good, the border troops walked like dogs chasing sheep. Judging from the parts, I fell to the ground and died. Fight with others at the same time, and suffer the scourge alone. It is not necessarily a sin of heaven, but also an act of God. Wang woke up and lived for several years. When he died, he lost his country, became ignorant and became wild. "
The King of Yue said, "Good. Sorry, it's that way. I've heard for a long time that Mr. Ming is good at curing old age and everything grows. If you want to know his healing skills, you can teach me, and I dare to forget. "
Ginny said to him, "not many people are born, so you must worry about your savings first for bad luck." Everyone is old, weak, strong and timid. You can't bury it if you don't prepare for life early. Wang Qi's trial, we must first save taxes, persuade farmers to mulberry, ask hunger. Or water or pond, because of ripe storage, is square. When I was a teacher, I didn't know what to do. I followed the crowd and always followed things. If a pawn has a teacher, he will be weak tomorrow, and I will be strong tomorrow, and I will win the world peace. I am good at the sun in the world, and the king has no forgetfulness and can't be more cautious. Wang Qi will judge. The king didn't listen to the minister and left without saying anything. Being between Wu Chuyue and the Three Kingdoms, he knows that the world is easy to reverse. I learned my husband's own cultivation and my wife's own knitting, and I was exhausted by my strength and kept my wisdom. If you break it, follow it. If you know it, you will be prepared. Know that these two things are shaped by the body and the love of everything. There are short and long, considerable. It is said that Emperor Yan passed down the Yellow Emperor. The yellow emperor then went to heaven to rule the land; Therefore, Shao Hao ruled the west, supplemented by Chiyou, and the main gold; Xuanmeiji north, making it the main water. The prince ruled the East, and Yuan He Zuozhi was the main wood; Zhu Rong governs the south, and the servant is the main fire; Houtu ruled the central government, and Hou Ji assisted it in making the main land. And there are five sides, which is discipline. With the addition of changing places, everything is normal. If the king judges and adopts the minister's advice, the older one can be king and the younger one can be tyrant. What's the point! "
King Yue said, "What do you want?"
Ji Ni said to him: "Taiyin, at the age of three, gold will be rich, water will be destroyed at the age of three, wood will be healthy at the age of three, and fire will dry at the age of three." Therefore, when you are scattered, sometimes you accumulate and sometimes you get it. Everything will be decided, but it will happen at the age of three. Discuss with wisdom, decide with judgment, and assist with Tao. The broken length continues to be short, doubling at the age of one, doubling again, and vice versa. Water is the source of cars, and drought is the source of ships. It is reasonable. The world is healthy at the age of six, and every twelve-year-old who is hungry is separated from the people. Therefore, saints are well aware of the opposition between heaven and earth and are prepared. Therefore, at the time of soup, the drought was more than seven years, and the people were not hungry; At that time, compared with nine years, water and people did not flow. Its owner can learn the origin and make good use of talents, then it will turn thousands of miles and foreign goods can come; If you don't learn, you will have it, and within a hundred miles, you can't do it. The owner asked for ten times the price; The person who chooses it is priceless. My wife's main source of interest is not necessarily herself. Regard the shortcomings of the people and make profits for their lives, and they will be princes, and they will be appointed sages according to the law, so that they can be rewarded for their merits and pass their exams. In this way, the country is prosperous and prosperous. Courtiers have no ceremony, and the trip to fornication is based on Tao. If you don't learn the origin, don't let the sages use it, and punish the ministers, the country will be poor and weak, and the punishment will be complicated. Those who flatter their husbands are virtuous, those who are loyal are punished, and those who punish are virtuous, and people's feelings are also. The country is poor and the soldiers are weak, which leads to chaos. Although there are saints, they don't give advice. This can only be decided by God. Today, all people have wise parents, just as the country has wise masters; Parents benefit from their birth, know their magic, and follow the example of Ren Xian's son, then their family will be rich and lasting. You can't be profitable, and you can't learn benevolence. Those who have the advice of sages hate it. If so, then don't learn Taoism. The more you believe what you mean, the more you will keep your word. Although I lost later, it was not too much. Husband and son are close relatives, so we have to stop remonstrating and remonstrate without listening. Poverty leads to chaos. Although there is a son, there is no cure. The only way is to slap him. Father and son are at odds, and brothers are at odds. Although they want to be rich, they will be poor and decline. "
The King of Yue said, "Good. What is longer than something is how small the child is. "
Ginny said to him, "People are different in nature. Those who are good at raising are saints and those who are crazy are crazy. Shi Gui gave birth to Shi Gui, and Tong gave birth to Tong. The gentleman may not know, and the younger generation may not know. Therefore, the Lord set up ministers, not with less length. There is a way in, no way back. The days of fools are long, but the days of saints are long. The host is selfless and rewarded with merit. "
The King of Yue said, "Good. If this matter is judged. Is there a demon in the thing? "
Ginny said to him, "Yes. Everything in yin and yang has its own laws. The sun, the moon and the stars turn punishment into good or ill luck. Jin Mu is better than fire, water and soil, and the new moon is built. If you don't make the decision, you will follow with virtue and do harm against it. Therefore, the sage can understand his punishment and be in his hometown, avoiding his virtue and balancing. Anyone who raises Pepsi will participate in Yin and Yang with the four seasons of heaven and earth, and use it without trying. There is martingale in the event. Life is worse than lying down. You can't change the nature of heaven and earth, so you are poor and your life is not long. Therefore, the saint did it in the shade to feel stupid. Everyone is very tolerant, everyone wants to get rich, and they don't know their hometown. "
The King of Yue said, "Good. Excuse me, its side. "
Ginny said to him, "From Yin to Wei, Yang is also. The sun is in the sun, the virtue in the year is in the shade, and the beauty in the year is. The saint responds to it and controls its sending and receiving. It is often caused by the shadow of the moon in the yin qi, and it is full of years old. Sell the goods of six livestock urgently, and gather coffins to meet the yin. This is ten times, followed by five times. The husband sometimes leaves, and the sage opposes his punishment, drifting with the tide and gathering together. "
The King of Yue said, "Good. This year, I became more familiar with the poor beggars. Why? "
Ginny said to him, "Yes, so it doesn't matter. I am still the son of a mother and half a father. I don't know how to move, so I don't know how to become rich or poor. If you do this, you owe someone else, and you can't save it before and after. You will invade and do the things of the day. You have no Taoism and no big gifts. You are poor and beg for a long time. "
The King of Yue said, "Good. If the doctor agrees with him, it's not up to him to talk to him in Huiji Stone Room. Today, the doctor said that solitude is more than loneliness. Please advise. "
Ji Ni said, "Twenty stones are harmful to farmers, and ninety stones are harmful to the end. Agricultural injury leads to vegetation failure, and disease leads to goods failure. So the height is not more than 80, but not more than 30. Everything is fine at the end of the farm. Therefore, the people who ruled the country in ancient times, the goods of this country, the official market opened. "
King Yue said, "Good."
Ginny preached his teachings and made a plan. He said: "Try the fire and water in Jin Mu, regardless of yin and yang. If you use it, you will not be useless."
The King of Yue said, "Good. From now on, I will pass it on to the afterlife and think it is teaching. " Governing Jiangnan for seven years is its law, and birds are also Wu.
The first-class customer said it was the first one, Jia Seventy. The second item belongs to Xiaomi, which belongs to China and has 60 stones. Pin-c households call red beans, which are inferior and stone fifty. The household of Ding goods is called rice millet, and it is ordered to be planted, and the stone is forty. E The house of goods is called Mai, which belongs to China and costs 30 yuan for one stone. The owner of the goods is called soybean, which is the next thing, stone twenty. Genghuo's household said it was worse than the food, so it was no good. People who are keen on goods say that Guo is not as good as food, and there is no Jia. Gui Ren is out of stock. The book of transcendence. The number of books beyond Ni Neijing >]
The King of Yue was sentenced to 10 years in February, and he thought deeply about insulting Wu, and he was blessed by heaven and won the ambition of the country. Ministers teach each other, draw a plan, agree with their words and respect their sentences. Their country is rich.
After five years in Vietnam, I have never heard of a friend who dares to die. In other words, doctors cherish their bodies, and they look on the stage to see if their ministers are worried. Fan Li, the prime minister, the doctor and the verdict are sitting in a row. Although worried, it is not colored.
The King of Yue sounded the alarm bell and called his ministers to form an alliance with him, saying, "I am humiliated, ashamed of Zhou Wang and ashamed of Jin Chu. Thanks to the advice of the doctors, I want to go back to China to study politics, enrich the people and be a monk. And for five years, I haven't heard of a man who dares to die and a minister who hates snow. Why did you make meritorious service? " The ministers are silent, but they are not. The King of Yue heaved a sigh: "I heard that' the Lord worries about my humiliation, and the Lord humiliates me to death'. Today, I am a lonely relative who was enslaved by slaves, and I am ashamed of being broken by prisoners. I can't help myself. I will be virtuous, and then please Wu. It's easy for a doctor to see a doctor, but it's hard to make his ministers a burden? "
So Jini was young and humble, sitting in the back, but raising his hand, he hurried forward and said, "All wet! The words of the king are also. Unless the doctor sees it well, it will be difficult to succeed, and it will be difficult for the king to succeed. "
The king of Yue said, "What is it?"
Ji Ni said: "The husband's official position is not good for money, and the gold reward is also light; Cao Caofeng rides on the blade and loves to die. It is also important for scholars. Today, Wang Yi's wealth is light, but the people's responsibility is heavy. How dangerous! "
So the king of Yue was very unhappy and ashamed, so he resigned from his ministers and asked, "How can a lonely person win the heart of a scholar?"
Ginny said to him, "A husband respects his righteousness, and the door to governance is also open. A scholar is the root of a monarch. Open the door and take root. The way of integrity is to have both ends meet. Left and right, it is also reasonable to raise your price. May Wang Mingxuan be around, and you will become virtuous. Yesterday, Taigong, nine sounds were enough, Panxi was hungry, and Xibo made him king. Guan Zhong and Lu's death was destroyed by greed, so we should treat it. Therefore, the biography says,' those who lose scholars die and those who gain scholars prosper.' May the king judge around, why not let the ministers fail? "
The King of Yue said, "I do my best, and each has his own merits. Lonely and open-minded, looking for revenge. I don't hear the salty voice today, so I don't listen to it. Is it strange to be safe? "
Ji Ni said, "People who choose wise and practical work have their own merits. Far from being able to make it, it is sincere; Tell the truth to know its letter; Discuss things with them and see their wisdom; Drink it with wine to see its chaos; Point to it and make it, so as to examine its ability; Show it in color, not show it. Five colors should be set, scholars should do their best, and people should do their best. Knowing his wisdom and sincerity, what are the worries of the monarch and the minister? "
The King of Yue said, "I use counselors to be pragmatic, and people do their best. It is also beneficial for me to have unfinished speeches. "
Ji Ni said: "Fan Li knows that his literary style is far beyond his knowledge. May the king ask the doctor for a deep discussion, and then the skill of overlord will be available. "
The King of Yue asked the doctor to plant the seeds, and said, "My Lord said that I have been freed from my poor hometown. Today I'm going to serve the unruly plan, and I'm going to stay in the snow. What can I do? " The doctor said, "I heard that birds that fly high die of delicious food;" Fish in deep water die of bait. "If you want to attack Wu today, you must first seek what you want, participate in what you want, and then get it."
The king of Yue said, "What people like, though they want it, how can they die?" The doctor said, "If you want revenge, you can defeat Wu and destroy the enemy. You have nine skills. The king inspected it? "
The King of Yue said, "I am humiliated and worried. I am ashamed of the courtiers and princes outside, confused at the center and empty in spirit. Although there are nine techniques, what do you know? "
The doctor said, "Those who master the nine techniques, Tang and Wen are kings, and Huan and Mu are teachers. It's easy to escape from the city by attacking the city slightly. May the king have a look. " The species said, "One day: I will take pleasure in worshipping the gods and ghosts. Second, more attention is paid to money and money to send his monarch, and more attention is paid to bribery to please his ministers. Three words: your country is empty, and your people are tired of what you want. Four: Leave a beautiful woman to confuse her heart and make a mess of her plan. Five words: excellent and ingenious, take this as the palace and make the best use of it. Six words: the legacy of courtiers, easy to cut. Seven: force him to admonish the minister and force him to commit suicide. Eight words: the king is rich and the weapon is complete. Nine said: Li Jiabing bears its disadvantages. It is not difficult for the king to keep his mouth shut about these nine technologies, and it is not difficult to take the world. What happened to Wu? "
King Yue said, "Good." 【 Wu Yue Chunqiu Biography. A plot to judge the sword]]
Rich countries
In the eleventh year, the king of Yue thought deeply about the eternal thoughts, but he only wanted to attack Wu, so he asked Ni, "If I want to attack Wu, I'm afraid I can't break it. I have long wanted to start a teacher, just ask. "
Ginny said to him, "If my husband wants to command and dispatch troops, he must store food in it, fill his treasury with gold and silver, and encourage his armor. In all these four things, we must observe the qi of heaven and earth. The qi of heaven and earth is in Yin and Yang, clear in loneliness, and judged in life and death, so we can measure the enemy. "
King Yue said, "Heaven and earth, life and death, what should we do?"
Ji Ni said, "The qi of heaven and earth leads to life and death. It turns out that yin and yang are expensive and cheap. Those who are lonely and empty will tell the international community. Those who judge life and death are not true or false. "
King Yue said, "What is life and death, which is true or false?"
Ginny said, "Eight crops are planted in spring, raised in summer, gathered in Qiu Cheng and hidden in winter. To live, not to grow enough is to die. There are no seedlings in summer, and two dead is also. If Qiu Cheng doesn't get together, three people will die. If there are no animals in winter, four people will die. Although there is the virtue of Yao and Shun, it is unparalleled. A husband is a student, a counselor is an old man, and few authors. He should be angry and ignorant. He will live all his life. Pay attention to introspection, sincerely eliminate seedling filth, eliminate seedling filth, and have a second life. Before the equipment, the goods will be collected, the country has no tax, and the people have no loss. The warehouse has been sealed, except for Chen Ruxin, Huan, Men and Women and Xin, there are four students. Husband of yin and yang, lunar new year, stay for three years, see you. Lonely and empty people are called Tianmen Dihu. Survivor, Guide also. "
The King of Yue said, "Why is a child smaller than a thing?"
Ginny said to him, "A handsome man is neither long nor short."
Yue Wang Dao: "Good! The way of the child is also. " It is looking up at astronomy, gathering to observe latitude and night, and the calendar is like four o'clock. The following are the upper and lower positions, which are virtual eight positions, closed in yin and looked at yang. Its extreme plan is five times in three years, enriching the country and strengthening the people. That sigh: "I am a tyrant." Very good! Ji ni's plan is also. "Biography of Wu Yue in the Spring and Autumn Period. A plot to judge the sword]]
Miscellaneous records
Ji Ran said: "If you know how to fight, you will be prepared; Use it when you need it, and you will be aware of it; If you punish them both, you will be able to appreciate everything. Therefore, the era was in the golden age, with floods, wood hunger and fire and drought. Drought is a boat, water is a car, and it is reasonable. Six years old, six years old, drought, twelve years old. Husband, twenty sick farmers, ninety terminally ill. In the end, you can't make money, and agricultural diseases can't be eradicated. If you can't go up to 80, if you can't go down to 30, then agriculture and the end will benefit. There is no shortage of peace and harmony, and there is no shortage of ways to govern the country. The principle of filing, the matter is over, there is no interest-free currency.
In physical transaction, don't leave the goods eaten by corruption, and don't dare to lead an expensive life. On its advantages and disadvantages, we can know whether it is expensive or not. Expensive is cheap, cheap is expensive. Expensive as dirt, cheap as pearls and jade, money wants to run like running water. 」
Grain is the life of people of all ethnic groups and the treasure of the country. Therefore, the king without Tao and the people without Tao cannot accumulate surplus for their own decline. There are more millet in the east, more millet in the south, more hemp in the west, more rice in the north and more rice in the middle, and five places are livable, each with its own strengths. Those with high yang have more beans, while those with low yin have Gu Duo.
Heaven, Yang, rules. Earth, yin, instant.
Degree is like a ring without end, cycle is like reincarnation, and there is a pole at the beginning.
Day after day, once a day, cycle after cycle, such as endless.
Japanese, fire will do; Fireman, position. The sun lives during the day. The sky is light, where there is light, there is light.
The sun is the essence of the sun.
When the moon is sick, it coincides with the sun on the 29th and 30th, which is regarded as the festival of the moon.
The moon is the essence of water; Water, indoors. The moon lives at night. The night is bright, the night is disciplined, and the discipline is inherent. Calculate the degree.
Day, inch also; The moon, the ruler. Rulers, the degree and quantity of discipline; Inch, make everything yin and yang.
Wind is the weather, and rain is the atmosphere. When it is calm, the rain should fall with the wind. It is said that everything is possible in the right time, right place and people.
Virtue is like spring and summer, and punishment is like autumn and winter.
"Zhou Xie" says: "The winter solstice is dark and the summer solstice is bright. 」
Don't hide your eyes between black and white. Although you have been in middle school, you still don't understand heaven. Yin and Yang sometimes mistake the middle ear.
Fan Zi asked, "Why use Jiugong?" Ji Ran said: "The way of Yin and Yang is not unique."
The change of saints is like water following the shape. Peace is peace, and danger is danger.
In ancient times, Shu Ren got old and then put on silk, while the rest were just numb, hence the name cloth. Nowadays, rich people embroider Luowan and get ice brocade. Embroidered articles come out neatly, with a price of 20,000, a medium price of 10,000 and a bid of 5,000.
Man is born because of the change of heaven and earth: he is anointed in January. Pulse in February. The embryo in March is like a water cell. Giving birth in April is like giving birth in water. Mei Wei. Bone formation in June means that blood gas turns into meat, meat is fat and fat is bone. It took shape in July. Move in August. September is manic. Born in October.
Fan Zi said, "I want to ask whether there is a flood or drought after nine days of ups and downs with the world. I am willing to listen to it. " Ji Ran said: "Tian is famous, starting with one official and ending with nine officials, so it was set up and competed with each other. Advance and retreat. If one is worth 100 gold and the other is worth 900, we can see that from one mu to one hundred mu, it is extremely great. 」
A swift horse must have some distance.
Fan Li sailed around the rivers and lakes.
Heaven, change, and refinement. Those who make it are storms.
Commentator, the end of the matter.
Straight trees are cut first, and dry wells are exhausted first.
Fan Zi said, "Yao, Shun, Yu and Tang all had foresight. Although there are fierce years, the people are not poor. " Wang said, "Good".
Dan Shu and silk were put in the pillow, thinking they were national treasures.
Long summer, ninety-one; In beginning of autumn, coolness prevails, and everything begins to be real. It is extremely cold for thousands of years.
A famous saying about youth: there is only one youth in a person's life.
1. If you are too indulgent when you are youn