To be eager to learn is close to knowledge, to practice is close to benevolence, and to know shame is close to courage.
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Confucius said: "To learn is close to knowledge, to practice is close to benevolence, and to know shame is close to courage. If you know these three, you will know how to cultivate yourself; if you know how to cultivate yourself, you will If you know how to govern people, you will know how to govern the world."
This article describes Confucius's method of self-cultivation and points out the methods and methods of life cultivation. First, we start with simple things such as eagerness to learn, practice hard, and know shame. Second, we enter the common moral realm of wisdom, benevolence, and courage. The third discusses self-cultivation. The fourth expands from "self-cultivation" to "governance." people" until "governing the world and the country." In a sense, if a person can "know shame" and be "interested in learning" and "practice", he is not far from being noble. In order to finally reach the realm of wisdom, benevolence and courage, we must combine it with "sincerity".
Everyone has a kind nature, but not all people can know it and must learn to understand it. Therefore, "learning is close to wisdom". Through learning, you can understand your own kind nature, but it is not knowledge. Anyone with a kind nature can become a benevolent person and must put what he knows into action. Therefore, "practicing is close to benevolence"; "brave", as a moral concept, is linked to justice. Those who do not know right from wrong and dare to fight privately cannot be called It is "brave", therefore, "knowing shame is close to courage". Being "easy to learn", "practice" and "aware of shame" is only close to wisdom, benevolence and courage.
“Knowing shame is close to courage.” Only when a person has a sense of shame can he not be greedy for money and unyielding in the face of difficulties; only then can he be humble and give in and be tolerant. From personal cultivation to national integrity, knowing shame is the forerunner of conscience. It is the premise of human integrity and the weathervane of a just life.
I think we must first dare to face reality and our shortcomings. Only in this way can we have enough courage to face everything that will happen. "People can't be shameless. Shameless people are shameless." In other words, people can't be without a sense of shame. Only the kind of shame that is shameless is true. It’s shameless! It's hard to admit your shortcomings. A person who knows his own shortcomings will feel ashamed and has the courage to correct them before it is too late.
Zhu Xi once said, "When people have shame, they can do something." Only when people have a sense of shame can they have aspirations, ambitions and integrity, and can they be firm-willed and deal with the differences between wealth and poverty, gains and losses, and righteousness and benefit. Make choices in time, rather than letting material desires drive you. Whether the people of the country know their shame or not is related to the rise and fall of the country's destiny.