Elizabeth arrived at Westminster Abbey by carriage. Elizabeth accepted the national sword. The Archbishop of Canterbury crowned Elizabeth with a crown and scepter. Elizabeth, wearing a national sword, wears a crown and holds a scepter. Elizabeth, wearing a national sword, wears a crown and holds a scepter. Prince Elizabeth Philip, holding the national sword, knelt in front of his wife Elizabeth. Elizabeth wore a crown, a scepter and a national sword, and was crowned King Edward. The crown was made of pure gold and weighed more than 5 pounds. Some people think it is too heavy for young Elizabeth, but she insists on wearing this crown at the coronation ceremony. Elizabeth at the coronation Elizabeth at the coronation Prince Philip kissed Elizabeth at the coronation Elizabeth at the coronation Elizabeth after the coronation and before the coronation. After the coronation ceremony, Elizabeth, Prince Philip and Charles were crowned at the viewing platform, and Elizabeth II and Prince Philip were in the golden carriage after Elizabeth's coronation.