●Bad news always comes quickly (UK)
●Ignorance is the most dangerous thing (UK)
●Good news coming from afar is like cold water Give drink to the thirsty (Bible)
●Bad news is like wings, riding on the wind, and good news is like a lame man, coming hobbling (Matthew Drayton)
●No news is good news (George Coleman Sr.)
●No news is better than bad news (James I)
●Unavailable news is The best news (Don Lupton)
●If it's bad news, wake me up immediately, because bad news can't be delayed at all (Napoleon)
●Message If you are well-informed, your business will be booming
●If you don’t understand the information, you will not be able to keep up with the market
●If the information is inaccurate, your business will lose money
●The manager will stand at the counter and get the information
●Information is a treasure, but it must be used skillfully
●The more or newer information a person has, the more able he is to dominate others (USA)
●In theory Under guidance, information can become particularly useful (United States)
●For people to be more involved in decision-making, a large amount of information feedback is needed (United States)
●Dog bites are not news , Man biting dog is news (Botote)
●Today’s news is tomorrow’s history
●Everything will be less interesting tomorrow than it is today. (Andre Guade)
●News is like fresh fruit, too old to be chewed (Japan)
●When benevolence prevails, news can become a symbol of love, truth and virtue Transmission tool (V. Copper)
●Women, money and bad things are always news (S. Walker)
●News is like a smoldering fire at first, and then suddenly Burn up and become a raging fire that cannot be extinguished (Tagore)
●Intelligence understanding of the enemy and the world around us is the cornerstone of all policy (Baldwin)