Наслаждайтесь вашей молодостью.
Вы никогда не будете моложе чем прямо сейчас, в этот самый момент.
Enjoy your youth. You will never be younger than you are at this moment.
Не бойтесь быть дураком
Don’t be afraid to be a fool
работают по одному принципу: я не знаю, I have found that people who I think are geniuses all work according to a principle: i don't know me What I'm doing, I don't know what I'm going to do, I'm just trying to do this - that's all.
Живу, как хочу,-
светло и легко.
Живу, как лечу,-
I am alive, just like I thought
Bright and bright
I am alive, like flying
High and upward
Russian Selected inspirational quotes:
1. Бойтесь своих желаний - они сбываются.
Be afraid of your own wishes, and they will come true.
2. Nothing saves money like love at first sight.
Nothing saves money like love at first sight. Can save money)
3. Don’t be so humble, you are not that great yet.
4. Lesbians are women who perform duties that belong purely to men
5. Если вам несут If someone brings you coffee in front of your bed, it means it's not your bed.
6. На тупость задания ответим скоростью его выполнения.
For rigid tasks, we respond with the speed at which we complete them (for rigid tasks, we respond with the speed at which we complete them)
7. Life passes so quickly, it seems that it has no interest in being with us.
8. Один из способов не быть одиноким - заболеть шизофренией.
One of the ways not to be lonely is to suffer from mental illness.
9. В жизни всегда есть место подвигу. Stay away from it.
10. The tax police are always the ones who come to your door for your income (tax police) Just always pointing at you income)