2. Confucius said, "You must know the age of your parents. One is to be happy, and the other is to be afraid. "
3. Confucius said: Be cautious and pursue the future, and the people's morality will return to thick.
4. Confucius said: A gentleman's business is based on his foundation. Filial piety is also the foundation of human beings.
5. Confucius said, "Today's filial piety means being able to support. As for dogs and horses, they can all be raised. Disrespect, why not? "
6. Confucius said: "He is also a filial brother, but he who likes to make mistakes is rare; It's not easy to make a mistake, but it's not easy to make a mistake. A gentleman's business is based on the foundation and the Tao is born. Filial piety is also the foundation of benevolence! "
7. Confucius said: Be born with courtesy; Death, burial with ceremony, sacrifice with ceremony.
8. Confucius said: "In the year of parents, you must know, one is happy, and the other is afraid."
9. Confucius said, "Look at what it is, what it is, and what it is safe for. How can people be thin? How thin are people? "
1. Confucius said, "When you are alive, you should do things with courtesy, when you die, you should be buried with courtesy, and you should be sacrificed with courtesy."
11. Confucius said, "It's rare for him to be filial and easy to make mistakes. Those who are not good at making mistakes but are good at making trouble are not good at it.