The famous sentence about mantis catching cicada needs to be prepared in the afternoon, and then give 20 yuan.
The king of Wu wanted to cut down the thorns and told him, "Those who dare to remonstrate will die!" At this time, there was a young man at the bottom, who knew that people were talking lightly and it was useless to persuade him. He would die suddenly. It was only the third time that I swam in the backyard with a slingshot and exposed my clothes. The king of Wu asked him and said to him, "There are trees in the back garden, and cicadas are drinking dew on them. I wonder if mantis will catch them in the back! And the mantis tried to pounce on it, and I knew that the yellowbird was creeping beside it! The yellowbird stretches its neck only to peck mantis, I don't know the slingshot under the tree! They all want to get the benefits of the past and ignore the troubles of the future! " After hearing this, the prince of Wu felt very reasonable and refused to send troops.