The journey of the great road also means that the world is for the common good, select the worthy and capable, maintain trust and cultivate harmony. Therefore, people do not only care for their relatives, nor do they only have children for their children, so that the old will have their end, the strong will be useful, the young will have their own growth, the humble, the widowed, the lonely, the disabled and the disabled will all be supported, the men will have their share, and the women will have their homes. If the goods are disgusted and thrown away on the ground, there is no need to hide them in oneself; if the power is disgusted and they do not come from the body, there is no need to hide them for oneself. This is why people seek to be closed but not prosperous, to steal and cause chaos but not to commit crimes, and why the outside world is not closed to the outside world. This is called Great Harmony.
(Selected from "Book of Rites·Liyun")