Find an excellent travel poster, all in English
OnJuly5thmyparentstookmetoBeijing.WestayedatHuabeiHotel.Onthefirstday,wewenttotheGreatWall.TheGreatWallisverylongandold.Ithasmillionsofbricks.Eachbrickisverybigandheavy.LotsofpeoplefromdifferentcountrieslikeclimbingtheGreatWall .WefeltverytiredwhenweclimbedtothetopoftheGreatWall.
We also went to the Palace Museum. s,wewenttotheSummerPalace,TianTan,NorthLakeandXiangHill.InowknowmoreaboutthehistoryofChina.IalsolikemodernBeijing.The2008OlympicGameswillbeheldinBeijing.
Later, Iwentbackwithmyparentsbytrain.IreallyenjoyedthetriptoBeijing.Study travel movie town handwritten newspaper English movie handwritten newspaper
English movie excellent handwritten newspaper
English version movie poster handwritten newspaper No. 1 Page
A handwritten newspaper introducing English movies. A handwritten newspaper about English movies
A handwritten newspaper introducing movies in English. A handwritten newspaper about English movies
A handwritten newspaper about English movies and cartoons. Copy English movie handwritten newspaper
Original movies and English tabloids word reading Chinese and English subject handwritten newspaper electronic template black and white coloring copyright available
English movie quotes handwritten newspaper English movie Handwritten newspaper
A handwritten newspaper about the birth of world cinema, a handwritten newspaper about the birth of world cinema
A handwritten newspaper about Disney movies in English, a handwritten newspaper about the birth of world cinema
Handwritten newspaper Submit a handwritten newspaper about the film in English
A handwritten newspaper about the film festival in English
A handwritten newspaper about the film of Xiao Xiaodai Principal in English
>Ice Age movie English handwritten newspaper English movie handwritten newspaper
Study trip handwritten newspaper pictures and information
Children expressed their love for English movies with handwritten newspapers I would like to ask what the format of English travel posters is.
First collect target information, required content, and design format. If not, make a general tour based on the content. You need to include travel location and time, introduction to attractions, specific requirements, what tour packages are included, service scope, etc. Movies are relatively simple. , stills, time and place, plot introduction, and posters all need to be made in PS. Pictures are used as backgrounds, and text and design types are placed next.