1. All true, good and beautiful things, no matter how they appear, are simple and similar. ——Goethe
2. People with cheerful hearts also have cheerful faces. ——Schiller
3. People are not cute because they are beautiful, but they are beautiful because they are cute. ——Tolstoy
4. A beautiful soul can give beauty to an unattractive body. ——Lesing
5. What you think is beautiful in the firelight at night should also be looked at calmly when the sun rises. ——Ying Beier
6. Charm can make people think you are beautiful and wonderful. ——Francis
7. Charm is a kind of inner beauty, not a charming face and moving body. ——Bremer
8. Everything about a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts. ——Chekhov
9. I would rather organize a happy family with a small cup of truth, goodness and beauty than a boring family with several large pieces of boat furniture. ——Heine
10. Truth, beauty and goodness are closely integrated. Add to truth or goodness a rare radiant situation, and truth or goodness becomes beauty. —— Diderot
11. A beautiful figure can attract true admirers, but to attract them lastingly, a beautiful soul is needed. ——Colton
12. The face is the mirror of the soul. ——Gorky
13. My ambitions and ideals for my career start with "truth", "goodness" as the process, and "beauty" as the ultimate goal. ——Cicero
14. The goal of intellectual desire is truth, the goal of moral desire is good, and the goal of aesthetic desire is beauty. Truth, goodness and beauty are the ideals of the world. ——Hoshinobu Kuroda
15. I firmly believe that truth and kindness can only blend in with beauty... If a person does not have a sense of beauty, he will be listless in anything he does, and he will not even be able to talk about history vividly. ——Hegel
16. Truth, goodness and beauty are very similar qualities. Add some rare and outstanding situations to the first two qualities, and truth will appear beautiful, and goodness will also appear beautiful. —— Diderot
17. The beauty of form is better than the beauty of color, and the beauty of elegant behavior is better than the beauty of form. Most of the beauty cannot be expressed by painters because it is difficult to intuitively understand. ——Bacon
18. Charm is an irresistible force that is pleasing and fascinating. ——Anonymous
19. If a person obtains happiness, health, talent, wealth, joy, power, etc., but gives up the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty, then he will degenerate into an animal. ——Jin Dao Youxin
20. A person’s face says more and more interesting things than a person’s mouth, because the mouth only tells people’s thoughts, while the face tells the thoughts. nature. ——Schopenhauer