Guan Zhong once said, "I tasted Bao Shujia when I was in trouble and shared wealth with him. Bao Shu doesn't think I'm greedy, but I know I'm poor. I tasted that finding a job for Bao Shu made me poorer, but Bao Shu didn't think I was stupid, so he knew when it was good or bad. I've tasted three officials and three people, but Bao Shu doesn't think I'm evil, and I don't suffer when I know I'm evil. After three wars and three walks, Bao Shu doesn't think I'm afraid. " Bao is praised by the world for knowing people. Therefore, later generations say that people know each other and they are called "Guan Bao". According to legend, Bao was buried at the foot of Licheng Baoshan.
Guan Zhong and Bao are the most familiar, and later people call them friendship, which is often compared to friends with deep friendship. Zhang Jiuling's "Nan returned a poem instead of a book to the capital Old Master Q": "I don't know my uncle's teeth because of the shame of Bole." Tang Jiayou's "Changxing's new residence is a matter of serving Du Xianggong and offering Yuan Xianggong": "Wang Ya returns to Anshi, knowing in Uncle Ya."
The idioms "the legacy of steamed stuffed bun" and "the friendship of Guan Bao" handed down in history are derived from their friendship stories.