You can't carve rotten wood, and you can't carve the wall of dirt? You can't carve rotten wood, and you can't draw a dunghill wall. The reason why Confucius said such angry words came from one of Confucius' disciples, named Zaiyu. At first, Confucius especially liked being slaughtered by this disciple, because he was a very talented disciple, and Confucius thought he had a bright future.
But what Confucius never expected was that Zaiyu was a brilliant disciple, but his personality was extremely lazy. Zaiyu not only missed Confucius' class because he slept late, but also slept in Confucius' class. These things made Confucius very disappointed and angry with Zaiyu, and then he said that famous saying. It can be seen from this? You can't carve rotten wood, and you can't carve the wall of dirt? The deep meaning is to describe a person who has no ambition or poor quality.
Confucius said many classic sentences in his life, which often contain great truth and wisdom. We should not only learn these sentences, but also understand their deep meanings and apply them to social practice. I'm sure none of you here are willing to do it? Rotten wood? Don't want to do it? Dirt? Then we should know how to improve ourselves from all aspects and make ourselves a valuable person who can make contributions to society.