After experiencing it, you know that this sentence is right.
I used to think this sentence was cruel and unrealistic. There were so many good friends in life and they were carefree in school. But now I understand that there are also intrigues in school. You are the most trustworthy. Your friends will also betray you.
Really, there are no permanent friends. Those who are valuable to us are temporary friends, so enemies will also become friends, as long as you are valuable.
Don’t think you are so noble, just treat someone with your heart;
But remember, you are sincere to him, but he is not sincere to you.
Everyone in the world will betray you, except your parents.
Only your parents can always rely on you, they are your relatives.
Love and friendship will deteriorate when interests act as catalysts, only family affection will not.
I am only in 9th grade, and I already understand this truth. I also want to thank those who helped me understand this truth. Thank you.