Tragedy often gives people emotional shock, regret, sympathy, grief and indignation, and arouses people's inner emotions. Often we easily discover our own insignificance in suffering, thus stimulating the impulse to change our destiny. Theoretically speaking, death and the sorrow caused by death, life and the joy caused by life, these two form the essence and indispensable characteristics of sorrow. Because tragedy contains two opposing processes - life and death, and the whole life is composed of these two processes, tragedy is the most philosophical art form. Death caused by actions beyond the control of human beings, death that causes sorrow and sympathy leads to the "resurrection" of the dead, and this resurrection produces enjoyment and purifies the soul, which forms the essence of sorrow. These essential characteristics of the source of tragedy can be seen in later tragedies that were transformed and appeared in unfolding forms. The death of the hero, the sharpness of the conflict, the combination of sorrow, sympathy and pleasant aesthetic enjoyment, and the hero's "resurrection" for a new life, these constitute the inherent characteristics of tragedy.
Lu Xun said: "Tragedy destroys the valuable things in life for people to see." Therefore, it is always regrettable, prompts people to think, and has an educational effect.
In summary, the basic characteristics of comedy are: following the artistic rules of comedy, using various expressions and techniques to make people laugh, and integrating all aspects of the drama, such as language, action, The appearance and posture of the characters, the relationship between the characters, the plot of the story, etc. are all made ridiculous, making the essence and phenomenon, content and form, desire and action, purpose and means, motivation and effect contradictory and perverse, resulting in Funny and playful effect.
As an aesthetic category, comedy’s essence lies in ridiculousness, and its main expressions are comedy and humor. Ugliness is the root and essence of comedy. Ugliness is a negative value of life and has no reason to exist in reality. However, when ugliness uses illusions to cover up its true face and uses beauty to try its best to show off itself, ugliness turns into comedy. Funny is a deformation of ugliness, an inversion of ugliness and beauty. Contrary to comedy, humor is a deformation of beauty, an inversion of beauty and ugliness. When beauty is inverted and twisted into ugliness, it is humor. Self-deprecation of shortcomings by those who affirm their own intrinsic worth can also constitute humor. Although funny and humor are both inverted, distorted and deformed values ??of life, they are qualitatively different.
Comedy is an art form that expresses life in a very wide range. It can not only express the ugly and decadent things in life, but also sing the praises of beautiful things, express gorgeous dreamy ideals, and express feelings of praise and joy. , can also reflect the sad and suffering side of life. Because comedy expresses different objects and the artist's attitude is different, the laughter it causes also has different properties, thus giving comedy different aesthetic attributes and aesthetic values, and is divided into different types.