Gao Kang said, "Kemingde." "Tai Jia" said: "Ancient times are destiny." The emperor's canon says, "Honest and clean." It goes without saying. Pan Ming of Tang Zhi said, "If you are new, you will be new, and you will be new." Gao Kang said, "Be a new citizen." The poem reads: "Although Zhou is an old country, his life has changed." Therefore, a gentleman does his best. translate
"Gao Kang" said: "It can carry forward the bright character." "Tai Jia" said: "I don't forget the nature of this light." Yao Dian said: "It can carry forward lofty morality." These are all to promote their aboveboard character.
King Shang Tang's motto engraved on the bathtub said, "If you can start over one day, keep starting over every day and start over forever." Gao Kang said: "Encourage people to abandon the old and absorb new ideas." The Book of Songs said: "Although the Zhou Dynasty was an ancient country, it was endowed with destiny and self-renewal." Therefore, people with high moral character pursue perfection everywhere.
intensive reading
This chapter tells a dynamic process of improving moral cultivation, that is to say, we should always welcome the new with the old.
People often say, "Make a little progress every day." In fact, this sentence is similar to the sentence in the article "You are new, you are new, and you are new", which requires people to persist for a long time. Cheng Tang carved this sentence on the bath. On the surface, you should wash the dirt off your body every day. In fact, spiritual and moral practice also needs to be adhered to every day. As Xunzi said: "persevere and never give up;" Perseverance, stones can be smashed. "If a person can persevere and make progress every day, it means that she is getting stronger every day and replacing the old with the new. If he persists in this way day by day and accumulates bit by bit, he may work miracles.