But finally one day, during the inspection, the east wind blew unexpectedly and could not be carried out. Zhou Yu was very angry and fell ill because he could not implement the plan as a public enemy. All this is different from what he imagined. Zhuge Liang came to visit Zhou Yu's illness. Therefore, Zhuge Liang wrote in the prescription that everything was ready except the east wind, which shocked Zhou Yu very much. So Zhou Yu said that Zhou Yu, a straightforward enemy, could ask Zhuge Liang for this method. I think it's still very smart.
Everything is ready except the east wind. In fact, it is the story of Battle of Red Cliffs, telling us that everything is ready and ready to go. This also reflects Zhuge Liang's wisdom and Battle of Red Cliffs's success and victory. I think it's smart, too. Good. So I think Zhuge Liang's intelligence has been fully reflected. I think I admire his intelligence, too. We should learn from him now, don't worry about everything, think of ways and strategies, so as to win the war.
The protagonists of this story are Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu. They beat Battle of Red Cliffs with their own tricks. I think Zhuge Liang is really smart. This kind of cleverness makes our descendants admire it. I think such a genius, if born now, must be very famous and a very big red man. ?