1. Confucius said: "Isn't it right to learn and practice it over time? Isn't it a joy to have friends come from afar? If a person doesn't know and is not stunned, isn't he a gentleman?" Translation Confucius said: "Isn't it also pleasant to learn and review them at a certain time? Isn't it also pleasant to have friends from far away? I am not resentful (angry) when others don't understand me. I am also a morally cultivated person. "Human?"
2. Confucius said: "Knowing one's words makes one appear benevolent." Translation Confucius said: "Those who speak well and smile are rarely benevolent." < /p>
3. Zengzi said: "I examine myself three times every day: Have I been unfaithful in my plans for others? Have I not trusted my friends in my dealings? Have I not learned to teach others?" Translation Zengzi said: "I have to reflect on myself many times every day. Self: Are you loyal when making suggestions for others? Have you reviewed the knowledge imparted by the teacher? "
4. The Master said: "A gentleman has nothing to eat and nothing to live in. A gentleman who is quick in matters but cautious in speech is a person who is righteous and righteous, and can be said to be eager to learn." Translation: Confucius said: "A gentleman does not seek to be satisfied with his diet, and does not seek comfort in his residence. He is diligent and agile in his work, but cautious in his speech. Those who have the right to correct themselves can be said to be eager to learn."
5. Confucius said: "Don't worry about what others don't know. Worry that others don't understand you, but worry that you don't understand others."
6. Confucius said: "The Three Hundred Poems can be summed up in one sentence: 'Thinking is innocent.'" Translation. Confucius said: "The three hundred (05) poems in the Book of Songs can be summarized in one sentence, that is: 'Those thoughts are pure and there is nothing evil.'"
7. Confucius said: "I have ten At the age of five, one is determined to learn; at thirty, he is established; at forty, he is not confused; at fifty, he understands the destiny; at sixty, his ears are attuned; at seventy, he follows his heart's desires without exceeding the rules." Translation Confucius said: "When I was fifteen years old, I was determined to study; At the age of thirty, things should be done according to etiquette; at the age of forty (mastered all kinds of knowledge), no confusion; at the age of fifty, understand the laws of nature; at the age of sixty, when listening to other people's words, you can understand them without thinking too much; When you are seventy years old, you can do whatever you want, and no thoughts will go beyond the rules."
8. Confucius said: "Reviewing the old knowledge makes you a teacher." Translation: Confucius said: "Review the old knowledge. Only when you can understand something new can you be a mentor."
9. Confucius said: "Gentlemen are not in competition with each other, and villains are in competition with each other but are not in competition with each other." Translation Confucius said: "Gentlemen are united. Without colluding with each other, villains collude with each other without unity."
10. Confucius said: "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous." Translation Confucius said: "Study without thinking. Thinking, the more you learn, the more confused you become; thinking without reading, will cause harm.
Is that enough?