I Roman numerals
Roman numerals are used in Europe before the introduction of Arabic numerals (actually Indian numerals), but they are rarely used now. It came into being later than China's figures and Oracle Bone Inscriptions's, and even later than Egyptian decimal figures. However, its appearance marks the progress of an ancient civilization.
One-digit example
I. 1 2, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89, 9
Ten-digit example
x, 10 XI, 1 1 XII, 12 XIII, 13 XIV, 14 XV, 15 XVI, 16 XVII, 17 XVIII, 18 XIX, 19 XX,20? XXI,2 1 XXII,22 XXIX,29 XXX,30 XXXIV,34 XXXV,35 XXXIX,39 XL,40 L,50 LI,5 1 LV,55 LX,60 LXV,65 LXXX,80 XC,90 XCIII,93 XCV,95 XCVIII,98 XCIX,99
Two. Roman numerals and Arabic numerals comparison table