It’s already dawn on the moon
Spring comes and the grass grows green, which should be a Zen saying. The earliest origin is unknown, but many Zen masters have said this in "Wu Deng Hui Yuan" Sentence:
Volume 11 Chizhou Zen Master Lu Zushan asked: "What is the place for students to focus?" The master said: "Spring comes and the grass becomes green, and the moon is already bright."
Volume 15: Zen Master Wen Yan of Guangfengyuan, Yunmen Mountain, Shaozhou. The monk asked: "What is the main meaning of Buddhism?" The master said: "Spring comes and the grass becomes green."
Volume 15: Ding Zen Master Yuanming of Yuanmi in Deshan County, Zhou asked, "What was it like before Niutou saw the Fourth Patriarch?" The master said, "Autumn comes and the yellow leaves fall." He said, "How does it feel after seeing you?" The master said, "The grass becomes green in spring."
Volume 15. Raozhou recommended Zen master Fu Chenggu and asked: "The green bamboos are all true, and the yellow flowers are nothing but prajna. What is prajna?" The master said: "There are no old or young people in Huangquan." He said: "Spring comes and the grass grows green." The master said: "The reputation is immortal.