There is a definition in astronomy called Roche limit.
Planets and satellites will keep getting closer because of gravity, but there is a shortest distance between them to keep them safe. Once roche limit is surpassed, tidal force will tear the satellite into stardust, gradually gather around the planet, and evolve into a ring around the planet.
Secret love, for an eternal hug.
If everyone is a small planet, the dead relatives and friends are the dark matter around them. I hope to see you again. I know I can't see you anymore. But your gravity is still there. I am grateful that our cones of light once overlapped with each other, and you changed my orbit forever. Even if we can't meet again, you are still the reason why my galaxy has not fallen apart. You are the eternal composition of my cosmic web.
When we look up, we always think that the stars are far away, but in fact, the atoms formed in BIGBANG are the atoms that make up our bodies. So the stars are not far away, because we are the stars themselves.
In fact, parting is not so terrible. After 650,000 hours, when we are oxidized into wind, we can become two adjacent bubbles on the same glass of beer, and we can become two dust snuggling under the same street lamp. The atoms in the universe will not be annihilated, and we will be together eventually.