Wang Zengqi once said in Slow Cooking Life: "People are beautiful and poetic. You are very hard and tired, so sit down and have a rest and drink a cup of lukewarm tea. Don't entangle, worry less, live with ease, and cook slowly and quietly with a heart. "
I think, this is the best state of the post-7s. Keep your heart, let everything be peaceful and open-minded, not be persistent because of love and hate, and not be troubled because of nothingness.
But if you want to let your inner peace accompany you home, there are too many gains and losses to be realized and too many reasons to be understood.
and these seven words should also be the wise words to be followed for the rest of your life, accompanying you around. If you understand this, your old age is destined to be more blessed and not bleak.
In this world, in fact, too many things are external things. Some people covet money, some admire power, some indulge in feelings, and some stick to the world.
Everyone has their own different desires, and this desire often makes people lose their true heart in the confusion.
after 7' s, you should know that what is yours is yours, not yours. Even by hook or by crook, it may not be as you wish. Looking down on everything in the world is actually the best choice for yourself.
You know, life is only a few decades, and everything will be a thing of the past in the end. Why bother with worldly affairs? It is far better to face the gains and losses of honor and disgrace with a normal heart than to fight unnecessarily.
when you can understand this, your life will be much more relaxed.
"don't quarrel"
quarreling is an outlet, but it is never a good solution. In the end, not only did the problem not be solved, but the feelings also faded.
In fact, in retrospect, what made you angry and quarreled at that time was nothing more than trivial matters, which were irrelevant at all. On the contrary, the subsequent quarrels brought more harm.
And the so-called quarrel often happens between the closest people. No matter parents, partners or children, they vent their anger on the surface, but in fact they are pulling away from each other.
Family members are still like this, not to mention friends. Many people are quarrelling and breaking up.
Everything in the world can't escape the word "reason". What problems can't be discussed? Quarrel not only destroys our mood and feelings, but also makes things a mess, which is harmful to ourselves.
Therefore, if the post-7s who are in the rush for five can grasp their mentality, control their emotions and not quarrel, their future life will be much happier.
three: "Don't show off"
Why do many people like to show off? Nothing more than to satisfy your vanity. But in fact, others seem to agree, but they may not really agree with you in their hearts.
But you, on the other hand, have lost yourself in such hypocrisy, become vain, like to compare with others, and pursue things that are too superficial.
One of my readers, Ms. Ji, is like this. She always shows off her husband's ability and filial piety in front of people. Every time I chat with friends and neighbors, Ms. Ji always talks big and the topic always revolves around her.
but in fact, others are saying good things on the surface, but they are alienating Ms. Ji in secret.
You know, many people's lives are actually not happy. Some people drop out of school, some are divorced, and some people are facing difficulties in work and are laid off. For them, your showing off is just rubbing salt in their wounds. No matter whether what you say is true or not, others always sound uncomfortable. Even a happy person will not have the patience to bless you all the time. Showing off will only pull you away.
Therefore, although Ms. Ji has gained vanity, there are actually no sincere friends around her, and she is getting more and more unhappy. Moreover, in order to maintain the "glory" on the surface, she has been wronged and can only swallow it in her stomach. This is probably the case with "respectable living and suffering".
So, showing off will not only make others bored, but also make you tired.
After 7, you should know that face is the most useless thing. You don't need to show off what you have, and you don't need to care about what you have lost. It is the most important thing to live happily every day.
There is always too much prosperity in the world, which stirs up our already uneasy mood.
when you have gone through many vicissitudes, you will understand that there is too much nothingness, which is much ado about nothing, so you don't need to pay too much attention to it.
It's already the post-7s of the fifth grade, so you should know how to be good to yourself and exchange your inner peace for the stability of your life. If you can do it without arguing or showing off, you will be accompanied by happiness for the rest of your life.