What is thinking? Many people can't explain why. But people are often easily limited and fixed by their thinking.
Thinking, different people think differently. Some people have open thinking, while some people have closed thinking. People with an open mind believe that anything is possible. People with closed minds believe that nothing is possible.
People with an open mind believe that anything is possible. When a problem arises, their first reaction is how to solve the problem, what methods are there to solve the problem, and which is the best method. In their minds, problems can be solved. The problem cannot be solved because I can't find a way to solve it, but that doesn't mean it's impossible.
People with a closed mind believe that nothing is possible. When a problem arises, their first reaction is: Why did this problem occur? Oh my god, how could this problem occur? How could something possibly go wrong? Why does the problem occur and what is going on? What should I do, can this issue go back? If I hadn't done that in the first place, wouldn't these problems have arisen? If it had been done, maybe this problem wouldn't have occurred? They go over and over again, struggling with why this problem occurred, and never willing to spend time and energy discussing how to solve the problem.
When problems arise, people with an open mind respond proactively. People with a closed mind accept passively, passively, and helplessly. People with closed minds are afraid of problems. People with open thinking are not afraid of problems, and even actively embrace and create problems.
People with open minds always think that everything is possible, so in their eyes there is nothing that cannot be done, nothing that cannot be done, no task that cannot be completed, and nothing that cannot be done well. , there is no problem that cannot be solved, and no difficulty that cannot be overcome.
The closed new thinking principle believes that nothing is possible. When something goes wrong, their reaction, and their only reaction, is "This is impossible", "This is impossible", "This is impossible". When people try to solve a problem and fail, they will show a proud look, "I told you that this is impossible, but you insist on trying, wasting time and energy. This is impossible." If someone solves the problem They don't feel any guilt about this issue, they just feel that times have changed and it couldn't be done like this before. Some of them also feel that even if it is done well, it may not necessarily work. It may be an illusion, and more dangerous problems may arise later. In the face of the facts, they are still unwilling to admit their own faults, but feel that it is the fault of the facts.
When there are new changes, with an open mind, let them come if they feel they are coming, and make peace with them as they come. There is nothing wrong with them. If they are going to come, they will come sooner or later. Besides, maybe change is a good thing. Only through change can we develop.
However, when people with closed minds face new changes, they are very resistant and disgusted. They like the old life, they like the same life, they like the routine life. They are afraid of change and resist change. They believe that change is bad, that change is destruction, and this is not allowed.
People with closed thinking are always bound by the limitations of their own thinking. They are limited to their past circles. They can never solve the problem, and they always live in pain.
Why not try to change your thinking, why not try to open your mind. When problems arise, try to say, "This is possible," "This might be a good thing." When we think it is possible, we will try to find ways to solve the problem.
Let us start from "this is possible", change our "impossible", and create our possibilities.