The son was afraid of Kuang and said, "Since King Wen is gone, where is Wen?" The day will be lost, and the deceased will not be with Sven; If the sky does not fall, what will the people do? "
Ice and snow translation
Confucius was besieged in Kuang Di (mistaken for another man, yang hu). He said, "After Zhou Wenwang's death, didn't the cultural tradition pass on and develop here? If god really wants to abandon the gentle way, then I won't master it; If God does not intend to destroy and abandon this culture, what can the Kuang people do to me? "
1. fate is in my hands.
Confucius was in distress, and his momentum continued unabated. "Taishan collapsed in front, the color remained unchanged, and the elk flourished on the left without blinking." This fate lies in me, Er Nai, the tolerance of my sage and everyone's mind. It is the spirit that a gentleman is strong and self-reliant. Do I want to change the world? The difference is absolute self-confidence and strong gas field. Master Qian Mu pointed out that the chapter "Confucius pulled out a tree and didn't escape" is "a sage's change, benevolence without worry, wisdom without confusion, courage without fear", which I think is the same as this chapter-
After Confucius left Cao for Song Dynasty, he practiced etiquette with his disciples under the big tree. Huan Xuan, Sima of the Song Dynasty (had a grudge against Confucius-Huan Xuan was a military commander in the Song Dynasty, and Confucius criticized him and caused trouble. Confucius passed by the State of Song, and Huan Xuan tried to kill him. (Cut down that big tree.
A disciple advised Confucius to say, "Let's go."
Confucius said, "Even if God makes me virtuous, what can Huan Xuan do to me?"
See: Article 22 of The Analects of Confucius.
Confucius said, "Being born with virtue is better than Ofuse. As a Tuyiren, what should you pay? "
2. Sunny weather
Confucius is the first master of Confucianism, the core theory of China culture, and a masterpiece of ancient China culture. Although he said Min Er Gu, he didn't write, and his brushwork was complicated. Poems, books, Li, Yue, Yi, Chunqiu and other works were deleted. When he was alive, he was called "the heavenly saint" and "the heavenly eyes are numerous".
Li Bingnan's evaluation of this chapter is that "the way of civil and military affairs does not fall on the ground, the sage knows the big, and the unpretentious knows the small". Fu was not acquired by Confucius, but also privately owned. He didn't think it was personal, but he saw the greatness of saints and distinguished the weather of heaven and earth. "The ocean develops everything, and it is extremely steep in the sky. Etiquette three hundred, dignity three thousand "is also. After death, after King Wen, it is extremely eternal. A saint has a big mind and wants to carry forward the past, not just for the present. Master, what is it? There is only one family in the world. There is also the master cloud of Hanshan-"The Tao is empty. Therefore, the prestige of the action, the meteorological section, the calm mind, and the subtle mystery. The so-called Comte's forbearance is only obedience. So it is considerable and unknown. " Saints are full of weather, awe-inspiring and inviolable, and they are on paper.
Are saints absolutely different from ordinary people? A person is ambitious, versatile, knowledgeable, good at questioning, thoughtful and discerning; A person, diligent and meticulous, without him, persist, persist and persist. The real difference is perseverance! When the whole world is denying and doubting you, do you still have the great Confucius spirit? Confucius was in distress many times during his wandering. He worked tirelessly and drifted from place to place, never leaving, never leaving benevolence. This is the real fate under the atmosphere of my sage!
Attachment: Historical Records Confucius Family
Annotations on the Analects of Confucius said: This annotation is all about "home", stating the reasons for its fear. The case "Home" said: "Confucius went to defend. It will suit Chen. There are too many. As a servant, Ke Yan said with a policy:' I have been here before, and I lack it.' Hearing this, Kuang people thought it was Lu Zhiyang's tiger. Yanghu tastes Kuang people, Kuang people stop Confucius. Confucius looked like a tiger and was detained for five days. Kuang people are anxious to detain Confucius, and his disciples are afraid. Confucius said,' If there is no king of literature, then there is no literature?' "There are the following with the same person, is also.
Appendix references
The Annotation to the Analects of Confucius says: This chapter records that Confucius knows the destiny.
The Interpretation of the Four Books says: This chapter also studies the divine personnel and destiny. A saint is sensible and not afraid of changing his face. How can he know that life will do this unless he reaches heaven?
"Historical Records" said: Yang Hucheng was violent in Kuang, and the master looked like Yang Hucheng, so Kuang people surrounded him.
"The Analects of Justice" said: Jiang's "Atlas of the Sages" recorded this in the thirteenth year of Lu, when Confucius was fifty-six.
Kong Anguo said, well, so is this one. Although the king of words is dead, his articles can be found here. This is self-summoning.
Zhang Wei said: Self-existence is related to death, and Sven's prevention is related to failure. Where Sven is, you are there.
? Jiang said: Tao is the legacy of future generations and has not been explained. If God is wise, it will never be lost.
Ma Rong said: Since there is no King of Literature, Confucius calls himself the deceased. If you lose this article, you won't let me agree with it; Today, I was given this article, but I don't want to lose it. Since Sky does not want to lose this article, what can I do? Words must not go against nature and hurt themselves.
Chen xiangdao said: Mencius said, "within 500 years, there will be kings, and there will be celebrities in between." As for King Wen's Confucius, we can pass it on by his name, but we can test it at that time. So he said, "If there is no king of literature, what if there is no literature?"
Qian Mu said: Confucius is dying. Every time he sends a letter, know life says. Gai Confucius is extremely confident that his own way is the way God wants to do things in the world. Self-abased and convinced, I think I know this road clearly, not by my own knowledge, but by God's will. This is Confucius' sincere feeling, and he is so. The so-called loyalty and self-knowledge cannot be faked in times of crisis.
Master Hu Yi said: The cycle of Tao pulse is literature, not modesty. So confident, why not be afraid?
Ito Renzhai said: Heaven has the blessing of good and evil, that is, it has the inevitable principle; Happiness and misfortune are our own pursuits, that is to say, everyone has his own interests. The wise believe it, but the weak doubt it. "God listens to himself-man listens to him", and its principle applies to personnel. Surrounded by Chen and Kuang, what happened to the sage also happened again. However, if a pawn can't do anything harmful, then God will bless the saints, won't anyone believe it?
Li Bingnan said that Zhou Wenwang inherited Yao Shunyu's Tao of Tang Dynasty, and so did the Duke of Zhou and the Prince of Wu. Although King Wen died, the culture of Tao is here and must be passed down by Confucius. "Here" means that Confucius claimed to have the responsibility of inheriting culture. How can Kuang people conquer nature? So the sage finally saved the day. Confucius was not only afraid of Kuang, but also suffered disasters such as Chen's loss of grain and Song's private visit, but all of them turned the corner. Learning China culture, one is interested in becoming the carrier of culture. When encountering a bad environment, we should learn from the spirit of Confucius and firmly believe that the environment will naturally change with the help of Tao.
The key words of this chapter are context, orthodoxy, destiny, and attitude is faith.
Collection of Analects of Confucius, On Semantic Sparseness, Collection of Analects of Confucius, Collection of Analects of Confucius, Complete Interpretation of Analects of Confucius, Case Study of Analects of Confucius, New Interpretation of Analects of Confucius, Brief Introduction of Analects of Confucius, Justice of Analects of Confucius, Punctuation of Analects of Confucius, Collection of Analects of Confucius, Collection of Analects of Confucius, Interpretation of Analects of Confucius,