Geophysical digital signal analysis and processing technology
Many important networks, such as ideal low-pass filters, are non-causal physically infeasible systems. But in digital signal processing, it is often non-real-time, even if it is real-time processing, it allows a great delay. At this point, for a certain output y(n), a large number of future inputs x(n+ 1), x(n+2), ... have been recorded in memory and can be called, so these non-causal systems can be very close to being realized. That is to say, the causal system with large time delay can be used to approximate the non-causal system, which is one of the characteristics that digital system is superior to analog system. Therefore, the digital system can obtain more ideal characteristics than the analog system.
A stable system means that as long as the input is bounded, the output must be bounded. Otherwise, it is an unstable system. The necessary and sufficient condition for a stable system is that its unit impulse response is absolutely integrable (that is, it is absolutely summable in a discrete system).
Geophysical digital signal analysis and processing technology
This can be proved as follows:
Look at the necessary conditions first. If h(n) does not conform to equation (4-7-2)
Geophysical digital signal analysis and processing technology
Then when the bounded signal of the following form is input,
Geophysical digital signal analysis and processing technology
The value of the output y(n) when n=0 will be
Geophysical digital signal analysis and processing technology
That is to say, y(0) will be unbounded. Therefore, Equation (4-7-2) is a necessary condition for system stability.
Look at the sufficient conditions. If equation (4-7-2) is satisfied, then any bounded input
Geophysical digital signal analysis and processing technology
Its output is always bounded, so the system must be stable. A system that satisfies both stability and causality conditions is called a stable causal system. The stable causal system is the most important system, and the unit impulse response of this system is both unilateral and bounded, that is,
Geophysical digital signal analysis and processing technology
This stable causal system is both realizable and stable, so this system is the goal of general digital system design.