-Carlyle (England) News Review
● History is the propaganda of winners.
-Toynbee (England) On Toynbee
● The specific history of mankind, if any,
must be the history of all people,
must be the history of all human hopes, struggles and sufferings.
-Pop (England) Open Society and Its Enemies
● Just as philosophy is the study of others' misunderstandings, history is the study of others' mistakes.
-Philip Goodlear (English) "Bit-on and Superman"
● History is the knowledge of human past.
-Henry Irenee Malu (France) History is like knowledge
● History is the life of the dead reconstructed by the living and for the living.
-raymond aron (France) Philosophy of History
● What is history? It is the echo of the past to the future and the reflection of the future to the past.
-Hugo (France) "The Smiling Man"