Confucius said, "Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy." (Yong Ye)
Confucius said: "People who know how to learn are not as good as those who love learning; People who love learning can't compare with those who enjoy it. "
For learning, people who know how to learn are not as good as those who like learning; People who like learning are not as good as those who enjoy learning. Metaphorically, learning knowledge or skills is not as fast as people who love it, and people who love it are not as fast as people who enjoy it.
This lesson is about the importance of interest in learning. Three realms of learning: knowledge, goodness and joy. Learning knowledge is important to cultivate interest in learning. As the saying goes, "Interest is the best teacher". If you are interested in learning knowledge, you will turn passive into active, take learning as pleasure, and learn in happiness, which can not only improve the efficiency of learning, but also deepen your understanding of knowledge, so that what you have learned can be used flexibly.
as far as learning is concerned, we often say that interest is the driving force of learning, and interest is the best teacher to learn.