In fact, Confucius wanted to warn Yan Hui not to do this (eat clean food and give it to them), but he misunderstood Yan Hui, so he lamented: It is not easy to know people.
From the following article:
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Confucius was poor between Cai Chen and Cai Li. He didn't pour soup or taste grain for seven days. Sleep during the day, Yan Hui Somy. I got it. I know it. Confucius saw Yan Hui snatch it and ate it. Choose a room, eat well, admire Confucius for eating, and Confucius pretended not to see it. Confucius said: "Today's dream is to be the first king, then eat clean and then feed back." Yan Hui said to him, "No, you can't. If you throw coal into the retort, you will abandon your food and eat it. " Confucius sighed: "Believers have eyes, but their eyes are still unreliable;" People who rely on it have a heart, but their hearts are still insufficient. Disciples remember that it is not easy to know people. "So, it is difficult for Confucius to know others.
Confucius was trapped between Cai and Guo. He had no food. He hasn't eaten rice for seven days. Sleeping there during the day, Yan Hui asked for a meal and brought it back to cook. It's almost mature. Confucius saw Yan Hui grabbing the rice in the pot with his hand. After a while, when the meal was ready, Yan Hui invited Confucius to dinner, but Confucius pretended not to see it (Yan Hui grabbed the meal). Confucius got up and said, "I just dreamed of my ancestors." I will eat clean food myself and then give it to them. " Yan Hui replied, "That's not true. Just now, the carbon ash floated into the pot (dirty rice), and it was not good to throw it away, so I caught it and ate it. " Confucius sighed: "(supposedly) you should believe what you see, but it is not necessarily credible;" You have to trust your heart, your heart can't be trusted. Remember, it's not easy to know someone. "So it's hard to know the truth. Confucius thinks it is more difficult to know a person.