"People can't be trusted" means that if the country can't win the trust of the people, it will collapse. Later generations extended it and pointed out that without credit, there would be no place to stand, which profoundly explained the importance of honesty.
Original: Zi Gong asked about politics. Confucius said, "Food and soldiers are sufficient, and the people believe in it." Zi Gong said, "I have to go, which comes first?" He said, "Go and be a soldier." Zi Gong said, "I'm leaving. What is the first? " Say, "Go and eat. There has been death since ancient times, and the people have no faith. "
Confucius said, "There is plenty of food and arms, and the people trust the rulers." Zi Gong said, "If you have to remove one item, which of the three items should you remove first?" Confucius said, "Apart from armaments." Zi Gong said, "If one item must be removed, which of these two items should be removed?" Confucius said, "In addition to grain. Since ancient times, people have always died. If the people don't trust the rulers, then the country cannot exist. "
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Similar deeds:
Standing on a tree to win trust.
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Qin Shangyang presided over the political reform with the support of Qin Xiaogong. At that time, at a time of frequent wars and panic, in order to establish prestige and promote reform, Shang Yang ordered a 30-foot-long wood to be erected outside the south gate of the capital, and made a promise in public: whoever can move this wood to the north gate will be rewarded with twelve taels of silver. None of the onlookers believe that such an easy thing can get such a high reward, so no one is willing to try. So Shang Yang raised the reward to 50 gold.
Under the four rewards, there must be brave people. Finally someone stepped forward and carried the wood to the north gate. Shang Yang immediately rewarded him with fifty gold. Shang Yang's move established prestige in the hearts of the people, and Shang Yang's next reform was quickly popularized in Qin State. The new law made the State of Qin stronger and eventually unified China.
Baidu Encyclopedia-People without faith are untenable.