From: Xunzi's Honor and Disgrace in the Pre-Qin Period.
Although there are spears and thorns, thrift is better. Therefore, being kind to others is warmer than cloth; Hurtful words are deeper than spears and halberds. Therefore, one side is thin and cannot be trampled on, and it is not peaceful. Those who are in danger and have no shoes are talking. If the painting is big, it is dangerous if it is small. Although you don't want it, if the cloud doesn't do it.
Respect and humility can prevent all kinds of weapons from being harmed. Thus, even with Mao Ge's sharp thorns, it is not as sharp as respect and humility. Therefore, it is warmer to say kind words to others than to dress him; Hurting people with harsh words is deeper than hurting people with spears and halberds. Therefore, the vast land cannot be stepped on it, not because the ground is unstable; There is no place to stand on tiptoe, all because talking hurts too much. The roads are crowded and the paths are dangerous. Even if you don't want to be cautious, something seems to force you to be cautious.
Xunzi is an extended material, a philosophical work in which Xunzi and his disciples arranged or recorded the words and deeds of others during the Warring States Period. There are 32 articles in the book, and their views are consistent with Xunzi's consistent views. Among the first 27 articles, there are still a few articles, such as "On Soldiers" and "Outline", which may be compiled by his students.
Xunzi is a master of Confucianism. He developed Confucianism while absorbing the legalist theory. He respects the king and also dominates power; Advocating etiquette and justice, but also stressing the rule of law; At the same time, it advocates that "the law is king." Mencius founded the theory of good nature, emphasizing the cultivation of sex; Xunzi's theory of evil nature emphasizes acquired learning. All these show that he is different from the direct Confucianism. He also put forward some simple materialistic views, such as man can conquer nature, oppose fatalism, and everything changes according to the laws of nature.
Xunzi's speech is full of philosophical spirit, which can make people have updated cognition and practice in the future.