1. If the mountains are not high, there will be immortals, and if there are immortals, they will be famous; if the water is not deep, if there are dragons, there will be spirits.
Explanation: A mountain does not lie in its height. If you have gods, you will be famous. Water does not depend on its depth, but when there is a dragon, it appears to have aura.
2. Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix, mice are born to dig holes.
Explanation: Children born from dragons are dragons, children born from phoenixes are phoenixes, and children born from mice are born with the ability to dig holes.
3. The dragon catches clouds and rain, but it is not the thing in the pond.
Explanation: If a dragon gets clouds and rain, it will soar into the sky and will not stay in the pool. It is a metaphor that once a talented person encounters an opportunity, he will give full play to his talent.
4. If there are many dragons, there will be drought, and if there are too many people, there will be chaos.
Explanation: If there are too many dragons, there will be drought; if there are too many people, there will be chaos. It is a metaphor that if the thoughts of various subjects are not unified and the opinions are inconsistent, chaos will occur.
5. It is difficult to draw a dragon or a tiger, and it is difficult to know the person but not the heart.
Explanation: You can draw dragons and tigers, but it is difficult to draw bones directly through their skin and flesh; you can understand a person and know what he looks like, but it is difficult to know what he is thinking in his heart. What. It means that it is difficult to understand the essence through phenomena or that people's minds are unpredictable.